Monday, February 20, 2012


Galatians 4:7 " Wherefore thou art no more a servant,but a son; and if a son,then an heir of God through Christ".

When a child is adopted that means a parent went and chose a particular child to take care of, to provide for.We have been chosen by God, picked out to be part of His royal family.We're adopted into God's family when we trust in Jesus as our Savior.It only happens through our relationship with Him. This is when we become God's child.We were oringinally born in sin,which separates us from God, making us His enemy, as we are followers of satan.But when we make a conscience decision to accept Christ,and become a born again ,baptized, blood washed believer we begin a relationship with Christ and are on our way to becoming a part of God's royal family.

Once we establish a relationship with Christ we are brought into God's family.God adopts us and bestows His grace on us through Christ.Every spiritual blessing is found in Christ,and the only way to be with Christ is by believing in Him and doing what He requires.This is how everyone becomes blessed.God is now our Father.All of the riches of heaven are our inheritance.So why are we acting like orphans?Why do we stand outside the gate,like we are not welcome to come in,like we don't know the way in.We should be living as children of the king,heirs of His promise,celebrating everyday,the joys of our inhertiance.God so loved us he looked beyond all that was wrong with us and he chose us.He wants us to be part of His family,He adopted us with the blood of His only begotten,Letu saccept this free gift with gladness and walk worthy of the family name.

Jesus died, He endured all that sin causes so that we can be free of the guilt, shame and death of sin. That we might have a life of peace and Joy with our Father which art in heaven.All we need to do is go out and enjoy that which God has for us.He is our Father,and every good and perfect gift is from Him,and he will with hold no good thing from us.All that is before us, all that we go through is for our good and the building of His Kingdom which is part of our inheritance.

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