The single most significant event in history is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.We are saved by His death;because he died we can live.However there is a condition,we must believe.In Jesus death,justice received the wage paid by sin,for the soul that sinneth, shall surely die.Someone had to die and Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for an imperfect people.Because of our sin, He died...
Here we have Jesus on the cross,it was a cross that He bore,and He willingly went forth.Pilate delievered Him, the soilders led Him, but Jesus bore the cross and went forth.He was not a victim,He was a victor,for He was bearing the cross to save man.He was crucified between two sinners, two unjust thieves.He was surronded by a world of unjust men,yet we live because He died.He said it is finished,all that is needed for man to be reconciled back to God had now been completed.He had given sight to blind eyes,so man could see the love of God.He had cured the lunatic, that we might let thsi mind be in us that is in Christ Jesus.He put hearing in deaf ears that we could hear what thus said the Lord.He put speaking in dumb lips, that we could proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.He put standing in lame legs that we might walk in the righteousness of His spirit,and he raised the dead that we might have a new life in Christ.Hanging from the cross, He said it is finished.
Jesus died that all might have a right to the tree of life,but we must believe and recieve His death as our own that we might be raise up as a new creature in Christ.Let us walk in this new life that a lost world will come to know what we already know;He died............
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