What is meant by this world?The power of sin all around us:the influence which operates towards evil,and makes the commandments and purposes of God grievious to society.The prince of this world has much to do with this evil power.The world and all it represents is our foe and we must fight it and with it.We must fight it's tempations,and it's pull on the souls which our Savior died for.We must contend until we overcome the world ,or it will overcome us.We must break loose from the customs of the world,maintaining our freedom to obey a higher Master in all things.We are not to be enslaved with the dread of poverty,greed of riches,personal ambitions,love of honor,fear of shame or the force of numbers.We are raised above all circumstances, and find happiness in invisible things; thus by faith we overcome the world.
The world is like a False Prophet,it promises what it cannot fulfil.It presents false hopes, a false sence of security and empty promises.These empty treasures offered by the world trap many and led them into everlasting damnation.We are above the world's authority,it's ancient customs are for it's children,we do not own it as a parent ,ruler or judge.We are above it's example, influence, and spirit, for we are of the heavenly.It is by faith in God word, we can over come the deceptions of this world and the gods of this world.We are crucified to the world and the world to us thru faith in Jesus Christ.We are above it's religion,we gather our religion from a relationship with the true and living God and His word.We have been born again,born of God,born of a new nature, and this nature alone will defeat the challenges of this world.This nature is born to conquer all opposition, for that which is born of God is royal and ruling. He who created can't be overcome,neither can those born of Him. Jesus was never defeated,neither will those conformed to him fail of ultimate triumph.
The weapon we will use to overcome,our faith in God's word.The unseen rewards which lie in his promises.The promises he gave us in Jesus,God's word made flesh.God and the cloud of witnesses hold us in full view.The powerful union with Christ which grace has given to all who believe,resting in Jesus,we overcome the worldThis is the victory that overcomes the world,our faith in Jesus Christ.We must believe,greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.We believers must never forget ,we are soilders of the overcomer for Jesus said,"Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world".Got Jesus?
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