Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Not Welcome

John 8:37 "I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my words have no place in you".

Where the Word of Jesus ought to be received, it is often rejected. These Jews were Abraham's seed, but they didn't have Abraham's faith. Many today claim to be like Christ ,yet they don't display Christ like characteristics. Jesus knows where his Word is received, and where it has no place. All we do is in vain if we let not the Saviors Words into our Hearts. The man reason many are against the words of the Savior is because the Words of the Savior is against them. Against there attitudes, actions, and ambitions. It will expose the thoughts and intents of the heart, causing them to look honestly inward at ones self. So this may cause many to seek to kill Jesus in their lives.

What place the word should have in our hearts? The word comes from Jesus, the appointed Messenger of God; it is true, weighty, saving, and therefore must have a place among those who hear it, it ought to obtain and retain an inside place, in our thoughts, memory, conscience, and affections. It should hold a place of honor in the heart, receiving attention, reverence, faith, and obedience. A place of trust, as we ought to in all things rely on the sure word of promise, since God will never lie or fail. It must hold a place of rule, the Word of Jesus is the law of the Christian. A place of love, being prized more than food, and defended with our very lives. It should have a permanent place, it must also transform us to abide within us.

But for many there is no place in them for the word of God. Some are to busy, there is no room in the inn of their lives, they are too occupied to be saved. It does not come as a novelty, and therefore it is refused. There is something else which occupies the place the word of god should have , as you think it too holy, too spiritual, too demanding, and restrictive. Many are just not honest, they enjoy sin, they are greedy and seek evil gain, needing a change of heart. Why not give God's word a try, it will bring with it all you need. Open wide the door and invite it in, It is the Word of the Lord Jesus the Savior of your soul. 

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