Friday, February 5, 2016

Suffering Glory

Matthew 10:38 "Ye that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, Is not worthy of me".
Cross-bearing is trying, laborious, sorrowful, and humiliating, but it is inevitable to all who will follow Jesus.We are bound to take up our own personal cross, I can't carry yours and you can't carry mine. Your cross might be giving up certain pleasures or indulgences, or any thing that might hinder your walk in complete obedience with Christ. Be it to live in poverty to proclaim the good news to the less fortunate, or enduring hardship and punishment for the good of others, what ever your cross, you must take it up voluntarily and follow Christ. We are to deliberately take it up, not to choose a cross, not to make your own cross, not to complain about the cross given you, not to faint under it,fall beneath it or run from it, but to patiently endure it, for Christ is carrying the heavy end.
We ought to be thankful that we only have to bear it, and that it dosn't have to bear us. It is a royal burden, a sanctified burden, a sanctifying burden, a burden which gives communion with Christ. Let not the righteous dread the cross, for it will not crush them. It may be painted with iron colors by our fears, but it is not made of that heavey metal; we can bear it, and we will bear it right joyously, for the reward is glory. No Cross no Crown............

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