Calvary, the most sacred place in the world. It is where the Son of God died that men might live. Where the innocent blood of Jesus was shed that all might be cleansed. The place where all the sin of the world was laid on the one who knew no sin. Calvary, a place where man can come with their troubles, and find peace which passeth all understanding. Where you can receive life, joy, and assurance because Jesus paid it all.
Calvary shows us the love and compassion of Jesus to all mankind as we hear the words "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do". Forgive those who crucified Him.Those who mocked, tempted, and were indifferent to Him.Forgive those who deny me in word and deed and those who rejected Him, he prayed for their salvation. Calvary the perfect picture of salvation,by grace and grace alone,as the thief had nothing to offer Christ, yet by repenting and trusting, we hear the promise to all who come "Today shalt thou be with me in Paradise."At Calvary we hear the words "It is Finished" salvation now in reach to all people. Salvation is complete, nothing to be added, we just need to accept the gift.
Jesus paid it all at Calvary, and all to Him we owe, sin has left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow, on a hill called Calvary
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