Friday, March 17, 2017

The Hope Of Salvation

Zechariah 10:6 "And I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph, and I will bring them again to place them; For I have mercy upon them:and they shall be as though I had not cast them off: for I am the Lord their God, and will hear them".

Hope can come to sinners: God says "I have mercy upon them". Mercy abides in the heart of God even after the hope of it has left the heart of man. God's mercy is coming, and it has come to all who will accept it."Behold he prayeth" is the sure indication of coming deliverance (acts.9:11). God has observed prayer in them, for he said,"I will hear them". The result of mercy coming is exceedingly delightful: "They shall be as though I had not cast them off". This promise may be applied to all penitent sinners, and the wayward backsliders. God's mercy in many ways restores men to their lost positions, and in some cases to the pristine condition they had before the fall.

Let us look at the power of God's mercy; the forgiveness of sin, and justification by faith, makes us acceptable in God's sight.The renovation of our nature, by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, creates a man of righteousness, turning a sinner to a child of God. We are restored to paradise, as we dwell in God's blessed state, God's mercy destroys sin but it saves the sinner. We have redemption from the curse, the curse is gone from us, taken by Him who was made a curse for us, removing the anger of God from us forever.We are employed in God service, a living testimony to the redeeming mercy of God. We have communion with our Savior and have the promise of eternal life, all in His mercy.

Only return to God and live in His reverence, and you shall enjoy all the blessedness of your best spiritual state. You will again enjoy the complete removal of guilt, and have no more consciousness of sin, but have rest for your soul. A renewed Joy, restored purity of heart, fresh communion with your Father; A new usefulness, teaching transgressors the forgiving ways of God. Restoration to the church, not just part of the congregation, but an actual belonging to the church of the living God, you shall strive to avoid all temptations, as you stand more firmly in the grace of our Lord. So at once confess your sin, and humbly plead the Lord, for His mercy. Cry out in prayer, for He will hear you. hold on by faith in the name of Jesus,to the promise,"they shall be as though I had not cast them off". By the mercy of God, I beseech all who have not made Jesus your choice, turn back to God, there is hope.

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