Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My inner me, my enemy

Exodus 20:3 "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

A giant idolatrous pitfall for many of us is our appetite for the praise and approval of fellow human beings.We like for them to notice and praise our strengths,to admire and award our abilities, to think well of us and be on our side.We don't like to be unpopular,unnoticed, or underated.We love the approval of people.

Today's lesson we find that Aaron fell to this temptation.When it came down to pleasing God or people, he caved to the will of the people.He put their desires and priorities over God's clearly revealed commands.(Many in our pupits today have also giving in to the will of the people, afraid the collection plate might dry up if they tell the truth of God's word.)

As we do a "search and destroy" mission for the idols that would stir up God's righteous jealousy, this is one that we need to look for carefully. It has the ability to "fly under the radar" because it's not tangible in the way that relatioships or material things or even hobbies and activities are.But it can so drive our motives and actions that we are continually "bowing down" to it.It's the idol of our own desire to be worshiped, and we often serve it at the expense of honesty, integrity, and humility.(Saints let us be honest, some of these self-righteous names and title we bear is so people will think more of us than needed,because they serve no purpose in the building of God's kingdom.In God's kingdom it is about the work not the title.)

In Jesus day there were some men of influence who didn't want to let loose of their clutch on this idol in their lives. It created a big dilemma for them.The bible says "many even among the leaders believed in Jesus,but because of the pharisees they would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue;for they loved the praise from men more than praise from God"(John 12:42-43) What a sad documentary, afraid to speak up for Jesus, because of  something somebody might say or do to you.Let not the same thing be said of us,as ones who believe in Christ.Let us at all times seek the will and praise of God  over our own self interest in all that we do, trusting that he will protect and provide for us.It seems our pride and fear continually try to rise up and build idols for us to worship. What is a christian to do, the only answer is to get rid of them! don't let nothing come into your life that will hinder your walk with Christ, not even your own self, for we must die daily to self ,to live for Christ........


  1. Saints in our effort to be great for the Lord, let us not show ourselves greater than the Lord, it is not about us ,who we are and how much we know.It is about Jesus Christ and him crucified and taking that message to a dying world.

  2. NDeed! Lay aside every Weight! I'm glad Jesus has a payment plan (where I give daily increments ) for All that He has bestowed upon me! All the JOY in me Is HIM! To GOD Be The GLORY For the Things He Has Done...

  3. if any choose to follow Christ,let him first deny self,this means every member in the self gang,self-righteous,self-centered,self-pity,self destroys everything it touches. think about it

