Friday, December 31, 2010

Is the Son shinning in your life

Matthew 17:1-2"And after six days Jesus taketh Peter,James,and John his brother,and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart,And was transfigured before them:and his face did shine as the sun,and his rainment was white as light".

Saints,is the Son shinning in your life.With all of the outward signs we put on now a day(The Jesus wear that is so popular today),is the Son shinning in your life.While we dress up and look like christian, go to church and be around christians,taking part in religious activities to act like christians, I ask, can the Son be seen in your life.Does the world look at you and see the Son of God shinning in your life, or is he blocked out with overcast and weather conditions,depending on your condition determines whether he is seen or not.

See we can block out the Son with the overcast of un Christ like behavior, and the cares of this world.We can over shadow him with self, not sharing him with those that are in great need of him.He can feel left out as we sometimes choose not to wait upon him.He is sometimes invisible in our life due to a lack of knowledge as to who he truly is.See we sometimes forget that he is a way out of no way, that he has all power in heaven and in earth, so when we find ourselves in certain situation we forget to lean and depend upon him. He said "Let your light so shine before men that they see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven".So how can we make sure the Son is shinning in our live?

Walk with him in faith, hold to him in hope and share him with others in Love.Jesus separated himself from the world,and with his inner circle,went upon a moutain top where he begin to shine,as who he truly was,was revealed to them. Let us allow Jesus to take us and our inner circle,Faith ,Hope,and Love,above the cares of this world,that he might reveal himself in our lives, and watch him shine.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The compassion of Christ

luke 19:41"And when he was come near, he beheld the city,and wept over it"

Compassion, one of the most beautiful virtues of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.A genuine heart felt concern, and deep rooted unconditional love for others.

Here in our story today we have the great ambassordor from heaven,overcome with emotion,as he was making his public entry into Jerusalem.Jesus, on an ass colt,desending down Mount Olive,as he approached the city,when he was come near,he could look down into the city.He could look into the heart of the city,he wasn't elevated with the applause and acclamation of the people or impressed by the size of the crowd, but when he came near he beheld the city,and seen its impending doom.(Christ looks into the heart of man, not impressed with the hand praise and lip service,not over taken by the size of the congragations,for he sees the impending doom of all who haven't accepted him as their Lord and savior).The gospel has been preached, salvation has been offered,Yet in the mist of our praise ,many still have not made peace with God.We cry out his name,but many have yet to accept him as Lord and Savior.Many are still blinded by the gods of this world, to the accepted day of salvation.The day you hear his voice, is your accepted day of salvation.

When he was come near he beheld the city with a weeping eye.He wept for the lost souls who continue to live unrepented lives.He approached the city, and his eyes effected his heart, and his heart effected his eyes,and he wept.He didn't weep because he was betaryed,and sold out by his own.He didn't shed a tear when they whipped him all night long and hung him on a cross to die, for this reason he came.No he wept because Jerusalem had not made the most of the day.(Saints Jesus weeps now for those who still don't realize now is the accepted day for salvation).There is still time to repent,yet Christ knows few will make use of it.

He wept at the condition of the temple,once a house of prayer set apart for communion with God,but now has become a den of thieves,greedy of filthy lucre.He wept because if only they had known the things that would bring them peace.He wept because in the day of salvation they harden their hearts.

Yes, Jesus loves us so much ,he weeps for those who has yet to receive his salvation. It is his will that none shall parish, he died that we all might have a right to the tree of life,let not his death be in vain, in your life.
The compassion of Christ, is the Love of God!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Feed my sheep

John21:15"So when they had dined,Jesus saith to Simon Peter,Simon,son of Jonas,Lovest thou me more than these?He saith unto him,yea Lord;thou knowest that I love thee,He saith unto him,Feed my lambs".

Feed my lambs! these are the instructions given to us by our savior.Those of us who have been blessed to have received the bread of heaven,are now instructed by the Savior to feed his lambs.Jesus has revealed himself to us, that he is the Christ,the son of the living God, and we are now to feed this truth to a lost and dying world.This is the design of his precious Gospel, it wasn't written for a pastime,nor was it published for a profit, but it was written and published so that man could be brought to Christ.Let the redeemed of the Lord proclaim this gospel message, that all might enjoy the salvation of the lord.We don't need to dress it up or add anything to it ,the gospel will do what it was desgned to do. It was not designed to feed the flesh of man, but to feed the spirit of man.

Jesus ask Peter if he loved him more than he loved these, and he is asking us the same question?Do you love me more than you love these things,and these people who occupy your life.Do you love me more than your friends, family, and even yourself.Jesus wanted to know the extent of Peters love for him,he wants to know the extent of our love for him.(he knows but he wants to know if we know, are we willing to lose our life to save it.)So he says "If you love me feed my lambs."

Saints , if we truly love God we should be willing to lay aside our will and petty differences and feed those he died for.Someone shared the good news to us, and we should be willing to share it with someone else.The same gospel which lead us to Christ, will lead someone else to Christ.It is the duty of all who are called of christ to feed his sheep, to feed them with knowledge,and the truth of the gospel.Feed the with the word of God that they might be wise unto salvation.Feed them, don't just put something before them and hope they eat,but feed them,those who are to hateful and stubborn to eat on their own. Feed those who are too weak or cannot feed themselves.Don't feed them the cake and candy messages of today,which will only make them fat and useless,but feed them the meat of the word that they may be thourghly furnished unto every good work.

We might not be able to feed everyone we want, but let each of us just feed everyone we can,and together we will feed the whole world, one lamb at a time.So if you love the Lord,feed his lambs.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Will you deny the Lord?

John 13:38"Jesus answered him, wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake?Verily,Verily, I say unto thee,the cock shall not crow,till thou hast denied me thrice"

Saints,the moment we announce alligence to the Lord, the enemy begins his attack on us.As we travel alone on this journey,we will be under constant attack from the world and those of the world.There will be challenges and choices which will ask us the question"will you lay down your life for Christ sake."(Now I'm not talking about a dead sacrifice, but a living sacrifice.)For every time we go about to do good, evil will always be present.

I ask the question; will you deny the Lord?It is easy while in the comforts of the church house to say "I'll lay down my life for the Lord," but when the enemy begins his attack on you, will you still be willing to lay down your life to follow Christ.

On the night when Jesus was preparing to lay down his life to save mankind,Peter claimed to be willing to lay down his life for Jesus.Now don't get me wrong, it is better to die with Jesus than to live without him,but Peter didn't fully understand what it meant to lay down his life to follow Jesus.Many today don't take the time to count up the cost when it comes to following Christ.See it's one thing to leave the fishing boats to follow Christ, and something totally different to lay down ones life to follow.(It's one thing to make a sacrifice a couple of hours on Sunday to follow Christ, but can you sacrifice a lifetime to follow him)We must realize there is a wilderness between the red sea and the promise land.There is a great suffering that comes before the promised rest.(You can't enjoy the risen savior without suffering with the crucified Lord).The truth is some of us will be scared away by the sufferings that lies ahead;many of us will abandon him when the persecution comes.He will be sold out in times of uncertaintee, and he will be denied at a time when a witness is needed.How can we say we will do with such ease, something that the Lord himself struggled with in the garden.So saints will you drink from the cup,will you deny yourself daily and take up your cross, after all Christ carried the heavy end(the end which held death),Will you take up a cross for those who talk about you, spitefully use you,falsely accuse you. Will you love your enemy,will you humble yourself as a little child, and submitt to the will of God.When it's all on the line, will you deny the lord.

Saints, we all know that Judas sold Jesus out, Peter denied him and the other disciples abandoned him.But are you aware that we to have sold him out,abandoned him and denied him, with the way we sometimes live our life.
Let us remember to walk worthy of the name which we bear, for many are following us,so let us lead them from the darkness into his marvelous light.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Jesus:My help from the Lord!

Psalms 121:1-2"I Will lift up mine eyes unto the hills,From whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord,which made heaven and earth"

Saints we must look to Jesus in all circumstances of our life.It is in him we should look,in him we should trust,and to him we should we sacrifice in in times of uncertainties.The psalmist here says "I will lift up my eyes unto the hills".

Saints to many are lifting our eyes to the hills and not to Jesus, looking to the elevated high places and the things we have elevated to the high places in our lives,when it is Jesus who saves.(Looking to our Jobs,bank accounts positions and other things we have placed in high esteem in our lives.)Why do we look to the hills, why do we say we are going to look to the hills,it is looking to the hills which has gotten most of us in the situations we find ourselves in today.Looking to the hills have taken our eyes off of God, and his purpose in our life.This causes us to stray to the left and to the right,as we begin chasing the lust and desires of our own hearts,no longer being led by the spirit of God.Sometimes God wants us to go through the valley of the shadow of death, but looking to the high places we sometime feel we are to good or to important to go through the gutters of life,even if it means to save a lost soul.Our vain thinking and need for variety sometimes returns us to the very world the gospel has called us out of,the world of darkness God has delievered us from.Looking to the hill can cause us to become selfish,seeking power, prestige,and popularity,instead of leading a lost soul to the salvation of the Lord.

The psalmist says he "will lift up his eyes unto the hills", then he ask a question"from whence cometh my help",He say where does my help come from, is it comming from the idols I have placed in the hills and the high places of life.( The hills and high places was where they placed the false god whom they made sacrifices too.)Saints is our help comming from our Jobs, bank accounts, or friends,the things in our life we often make sacrifices for.Where does our help truly come from? Saints are we worshiping the blessing and not the blessor? He goes on to say my "Help cometh from the Lord".

Truly the Lord is the salvation of the world.Our help comes from the Lord, it always comes from the Lord.I can't speak for everybody ,but when I was nothing and had nothing my help came from the Lord. It wasn't from my job because I had no Job. It wasn't from my bank account, cause I had no money, It didn't come from my family cause I had no contact with them,I was homeless and lost in darkness,and my help came from the Lord, Jesus the light of the world, my help from the Lord.So remember to look to Jesus the Christ our help from the lord.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

There is only one:

Ephesian 4:5"One Lord one faith and one baptism"

Saints, since we all belong to Christ,let us be of one spirit, in one body with one heart, and answer the call to one hope, the hope of eternal life.Christ is not divided, and neither should we,there is only one Christ we hope in,one heaven we hope to get to, and only one way to get there, so let us with one voice profess him, and one walk proclaim him,for there is one Lord,one faith, and one baptism.

One baptism;to be immersed into the word of God, to be covered with the blood of the lamb.One baptism,baptised with the holy spirt, the spirit which joins us all together.This spirit which causes us to walk worthy of the name by which we are called,through the washing of regeneration,we begin a purifacation process,changing us from that which did not, into that which now does.Bringing about a new birth, making us another, different from the first, giving us the characteristics,and attributes of our adoptive Father,putting to death the ways of our natural father.Baptised, burried with Christ, that we can be raised with him in faith, to a newness of life.

One faith;A faith which pleases God. A faith that says that he is, and he is a rewarder of all who diligently seek him.One faith, a unified body of faith, which shows to the world, the substance of things hope for,(as we are a walking recommendation to Christ) his ambassadors, and being his ambassador,we are the evidence to an unbelieving world that God is,that his love is real and everlasting. The evidence that Jesus is the christ, the son of the living God.One faith that says every word of God is true.One faith by which we live as a unified body,not knowing what we will be, but trusting we will be like him, for he is the author and the finisher of this faith. Jesus Christ our Lord.

One Lord;who is my shepperd, who is my savior,my provider, and my keeper. One Lord who was given power over all flesh,and he should give eternal life to all who believes on his name.One Lord by whose shed blood, we are made the righteousness of God.One Lord, my redeemer, my strength,my rock and my salvation.One Lord,Jesus Christ, the beloved lamb of God,the word of God made flesh,the spirit of God made humble, the mercy of God shared,the grace of God given, and the love of God sacrificed.

Saints, with all the choices of religion before us, there is only one God; There are many bibles printed,but there is only one truth.We have the freedom to live any life, but there is only one life.And with the many roads we can travel there is only one way. Jesus Christ, the truth of Gods word, his life everlasting,the way to eternal peace. One Lord,One faith, and one baptism.....There is only one Jesus!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Share Christ this christmas

Luke 2:11"For unto you is born this day in the city of david,A savior,which is Christ the Lord".

Saints, will you share Christ this christmas?With all of the commercialization
that has taken place, will you find the time to share Christ with someone this christmas.With all the christmas shopping,christmas presents,christmas parties,the comming and going, will you stop long enough, to tell somebody about Christ this christmas.With the football games,basketball games,the wrapping, whinning,and worring that will be heard ,will anyone hear the real christmas story.

The infant Lord who was born Savior of the world,who was rejected by the inn keeper, hunted by a king, and received joyfully by anna and simione, is still being presented to all today.The good news about Christ is being proclaimed as we read this message.We each have the same choice that was available back then. We can like the inn keeper have no room for a savior,as we fill our lives with the things of this world,being over run with pride, greed, and selfrighteousness leaving no room for the savior.We can be like the king and try to kill the savior,not wanting him to enter in and make changes to who we are for fear he might take something from us, that we are trying to hold to.Then we can be like Anna and Simione, who prayed not to see death, until they saw the salvation of the Lord for themselves.They heard about it but they prayed to see it.

Saints we should not want to see death without seeing our salvation.Hearing about it is great, but we must pray not to see death until we see it for ourselves. Let us kill him off., let us make room in for him in our life, and remember to share him with someone this christmas........Merry Christmas

Time to come back to God

Joel 2:12"Therefore also now saith the Lord,turn ye even to me with all your heart,and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning:"

Saints,there is a feast prepared with the bread of heaven,gather all those we can, and bring them into the house of the Lord;and cry unto the lord"spare thy people O Lord and "Forgive us for we no not what we do.Let us come together, all the people, and hear what thus saith the Lord;for the Lord says "Turn to me".

Saints, there are many going the wrong way,doing the wrong thing,following the wrong leaders,and traveling on the wrong road.Many on the broad road,yet Jesus said narrow is the way.God says turn, turn from our wicked ways,just turn and turn loose.Let go of the earthy and grab hold of the heavenly. Don't just turn your head giving the appearence of change,(you know walking different but still going in the same direction).Let us turn our hearts with weeping and mourning,rent our hearts like it greatly grieves our souls to have sinned against God,rent our hearts, as we desire to never do it again.Rent our heart not our garments, make this an inward commitment and not an outward show.

Rent our hearts, and turn to God with fasting,not the commitment of doing without meat for a day,but the commitment of doing without sin for a lifetime, as Jesus told the lady go and sin no more.Crucify the old man and his ways,walk in a newness of life.Turn and fast,as to fasten to him,and fasten on him,like jacob holding on to the angel,and refusing to let Go,as our blessing are in holding on to God.Fasten on to him with true devotion and loyalty,hold fast weeping for the wrong we have done to him,and the shame sin has brought to us, his beautiful bride.Hold on and wait for our change to come.

Saints,let us truly turn back to God, truly repent and become an accurate reflection of the one whose name we bear, that we might truly lead a lost and dying world, to the salvation of the Lord.Let us lead in truth ,teach in honesty,and reprove in love,for our Fathers desire is that none shall parish.Reach out in love to save the souls Chirst died for,pray for the lost, be a living sacrifice,and lead one back to God, that we might truly be Christ like........

Thursday, December 23, 2010

God Is !

Isaiah 45:22"Look unto me,and be ye saved,all the ends of the earth:for I am God,and there is none other"

Saints in this day of I, me,and myisms,the concept of God has taken on many different forms,shapes,and meanings.In a era of religious rights and freedom, you can talk about and worship openly any god, but the true and living God.In our christian nation we live in,Christ is not welcome in our schools, courts, government funded programs, and on any given sunday he might not be welcome in his own church house.In a country which has laws protecting gay rights, civil rights,womens rights, animal rights, gun rights, and criminal rights, it still is not politically rights to profess Christ openly in public.

Saints God is real and it is time for the redeemed to say so.We sometimes try so hard to please the world, that we get caught up in its confusion, adopting it's ways, and we begin serving and worshiping it's gods.This brings about a suffering due to sin. But the good news is with all we've done,even though we sometimes turn from the real God to worship idols,God comforts us through his word,as he lets us know he hasn't forgotten us.

God has always had a plan of salvation, a way to deliever us from the bondage of our captivity. A way to repair the broken relationship between the creator and his creation. God says assemble yourselves and draw near, and return to me.(we must turn from our ways to draw near to God.) God is both a just God and a perfect savior, for all who comes to him. God wants us to come to him, for there is none other like him,look to him in faith, look away from all the pretenders in our lives and fix our eyes,and the desires our heart on the true God.Seek him out, look to him and be saved. Look to him for there is none else,For God is and there is none greater.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Gospel :God's call to mankind

Isaiah 55:7"Let the wicked forsake his way;and the unrighteous man his thoughts;and let him return unto the Lord,and he will have mercy upon him,and to our God,for he will abundantly pardon."

The gospel of Jesus Christ,the power of God unto salvation,Gods perfect plan to save an imperfect people.The gospel, God chosen tool to cultivate his garden of salvation and to bring in the lost sheeves.It is designed to call man out of darkness, into the marvelous light.It has the power to change a sinner to a saint and the promise of everlasting life.

The gospel is for everybody;for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.The Gospel is not proclaimed as a tolerant for sin, but as a delieverence from sin.So let the wicked forsake his way,and make Jesus his way.The gospel will not only change our way ,but it will change our mind,as the unrighteous must forsake his thoughts.

The proclaimed gospel is enough to lead and draw souls to repent and return to God.Through the power of the gospel the heart is convicted, the mouth then confesses, and the soul is converted.The power of the gospel, opening the heart that the holy spirit might enter in,and through the washing of regeneration, the man is made new,having a new nature, changing him from the earthy into the heavenly.The gospel will wash away the corrupt imaginations and vain or worthless claims, which the unsaved heart takes comfort in.

The gospel, written for the sole purpose that man might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God,and that believing he might have everlasting life....will you believe?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

We're all invited; Will you come?

Matthew 11:28 "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest"

Here we have an inventation from the Lord, all things are ready.It is the great gospel cry,let him who hath ear hear,let whosoever will, come; for today is the day of salvation harden not your hearts.All things ready, all things prepared, all things removed which would hinder our comming and accepting this invite.Jesus has made himself known to us, he's giving us the opportunity to learn of him. It is finished, the foundation laid, the great invitation now offered, but we must accept it.It's offered to all who realize the burden of sin,those who are convienced of the evil of sin,those tired of being in and of the world, chasing its' joys and toys, its treasures and pleasures,there is a promised rest,and all are invited.

First we must come to this rest, for it is in the best interest for sinners to come to Jesus.We must disassociate ourselves with all that stands between us and the promised rest of the Lord.We must give ourselves up to his conduct, submit to his rule and come to him freely,willingly and on his terms.It's his rest offered to all, but only given to those who truly desire his salvation.

Let us come to him and take on his yoke,laying down our yoke of sin,for his yoke is easy.Take his yoke,for his yoke will free us from the bondage of sin and death. Take on his yoke of a servant, so that we might be diligent in our service to God.His yoke of submission, that we will humbly and patiently wait on our change to come.His yoke of obedience,that we might walk in his commands and his statues; yoked together with his love,that we have love one for another.Take on his yoke and learn of him,his yoke, that is lined with love and carries the hope of heaven.

And he will give us rest,enter his promised rest.The rest that comes from Jesus, the rest that is with Jesus, the rest that is in Jesus, in fact the rest is Jesus. He gives it to every soul that comes to him in faith seeking this rest.Come rest from the terror of sin, the power of sin,and the guilt of sin.Jesus Christ our rest in the Lord, we're all invited in , will you accept the invite?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Will you enter in?

Matthew7:21"Not everyone that saith Lord,Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; But he that doeth the will of my father which is in Heaven."

Saints in these uncertain times, people are flocking to religion faster than ever before.Religion is now one of the fastest growing organized groups in the world today,but God is not mocked.With all of the self promoting,self centered, and self serving ministries which have begin to replace the Church of God, God is not mocked.The replacing of his glorious Gospel which was once used to convict hearts and convert souls,now replaced with a motivational speach designed to line the pocket and fill the pews, but God is not mocked.

Jesus said"I am the good Shepperd,and know my sheep,and am known of mine". So be not decieved God is not mocked,Not everyone professing Christ is genuinely saved.(now I'm not saying that you are or not saved,this is a self examination between you and God.)It's not enough to say Lord Lord, if that on the inside don't match what is being portrayed on the outside.In that great getting up morning, many will say"have we not prophesied in thy name","In your name didn't we cast out devils",Saints Christ knows the heart and it's intent,and in that day the secrets of the hearts will be revealed.Having a good reputation among church folks, or doing good deeds will not hide from him our pride,selfrighteousness,our worldliness, greed, or our sensuality, neither will it get us into heaven.

Jesus will say in that day "depart from me, I never Knew You"(his words not mine).Jesus knows his own, he knows them from their repentence,from them seeking his face,his grace, his mercy, and his forgiveness.he knows them from the love they have one to another.He knows them through their prayer as they cry out to him with a contrite heart, seeking his salvation.(see you must be born again)

Not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter in, we must do the will of the Father(jn6:40)tells us his will is that everyone who believeth on the Son may have everlasting life.It is his will that we walk worthy of the Lord,that we be fruitful in every good work,increasing in the knowledge God; and giving Thanks unto the Father who has delieved us from the darkness into his marvelous light.

remember no matter what they said, believed , or thought,all who was not in the ark of Noah when the floods came died.So are you in the ark of safty of the Lord Jesus? are you sure?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Jesus: My savior

1Tim.1:15"This is a faithful saying and worthy of all Acceptation,That Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief."

Saints, this is not just a saying, but the words of Christ;for the son of man is come to seek and save that which is lost.A faithful saying accurate, relaible, and worthy of all acceptance, true and faithful words;Worthy to be embraced in the arms of faith.The truth of the gospel, worthy to be believed by all who hears it, and proclaimed by all who receives it,for the comfort and encouragement to a dying world.A faithful saying, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.This is the sum of the whole gospel message, the theme of the entire book.

Jesus came into the world to save sinners,he took on the image and likeness of flesh,not to call the righteous, but the sinners to repent.His purpose is to seek and save that which is lost,Jesus came for the purpose of saving, he came from heaven to earth to show us the way.He came to save those who are perishing,those being destroyed,and cut off; he came to reconcille lost man back to his loving Father.

This faithful saying is the foundation of our faith, Jesus was designed for this purpose, he spared no means to bring it about, he said it is finished, it is done;Jesus Christ the word of God and the God of the word, seeking to save the unsavable,to save those unworthy of salvation,Jesus Christ came to save sinners of whom I am the chief.............he saved me

Have you left Jesus at the temple?

Luke 2:43"And when they had fulfilled the days,as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem;and Joseph and his mother knew not of it."

Here we have a the parents of Jesus, leaving worship service believing Jesus was with them, but in reality, he was left at the temple.

Saints this story is really not all that strange, it happens each Sunday. Jesus is left at the temple,and left by those who suppose he is with them. While in church,we worship him,we praise him,we pray to him,call on him, preach about him,and lead people to him, while inside the walls.But it seem that when we leave the church, we leave Jesus.We suppose that he is with us, yet we have left him.We've left him in the temple and left him out of the rest of our life. We sometimes get so busy with our praise, and being a christian, that we forget to take Jesus with us when we leave the church. We need to take Jesus outside the church,and make him part of every aspect of our life.He needs to be in our marriage, in our homes,and on our jobs. Jesus needs to be just as much a part of our life outside the church, as he is inside the church.

When his parents realized he wasn't with them, they began to seek him.They looked everywhere, even among their kinfolks, and when they did't find him,they turned around and went back to where they last seen him.When we realize we are no longer walking with Jesus, we to must turn from our wicked ways and seek him,and seek him diligently.We should look for him among our family members and if he is not with them, bring them along that they to may know Jesus;A relationship with Christ is a personal thing, and we must know him for ourselves.

It's a great thing to have Jesus at church, but just think of the great work that could be done if we brought Jesus out of the temple, If we took him into the hedges and the highways,if we brought him home,and to school. What if we actually lived the life Monday through Saturday that we talk about on Sundays.

Let's make sure we don't leave Jesus at the temple.............

Friday, December 17, 2010

A willing spirit and the rebillious flesh

Matthew 26:41 "watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation;The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak:"

Jesus facing the worst night in human history,the night when the love of God came face to face with the hatred in man. Jesus in the garden with Peter, James,and John,as Jesus finds them sleep and says "watch and pray that you enter not into temptation;the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is week".

Saints we have trouble in our relationship with Christ because of a weak flesh.The flesh is an enemy to God, it fights against the spirit it is the inner me, my biggest enemy.The will of the flesh allows us to openly deny Christ,to cowardly desert Christ,and knowingly sell him out for the love of money, and in some cases renounce all relationship to him.We must stay alert, be on guard,for the enemy within, observe our selves, that we are not lead astray by the lust and demands of the flesh. We must watch our attitude toward one another,and be watchful in our service both to Christ and to each other.We can't sleep on the job,so we must pray to God that by his grace he keeps us awake. Pray for strength for one another,pray for guidence, pray in all situations, as prayer is to the spirit, what breathing is to the flesh.Saints the word says" a man ought to always pray", so let us pray without ceasing that we don't give in to the weakness of the flesh.

Jesus said" watch and pray that you enter not into temptation"; to enter: go in "willfully",Saints our rebillious nature willfully disobeys Gods commands, as the flesh is weak.It will cause you to deny Christ in our talk, at a time when a witness is needed, abandon him with our walk, when we are needed to stand with and for him.If not kept in check the desires of the flesh will kill the willingness of the spirit, as they war constantly , the flesh never wants to do, what the spirit knows needs to be done .Jesus in the garden,a willing spirit,fighting with a rebillious flesh, says "not my will but thy will be done".His flesh wanted the cup to pass, but not his will, but the will of the Father be done.

Saints,God can take a willing spirit, a humble spirit,a loving spirit and save the whole world.He took the willingness of Jesus,the love of Jesus and humbleness of Jesus and made him the perfect sacrifice for an imperfect people,to control a rebillious flesh and encourage a willing spirit.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Self examination: "Lord is it I"

Matthew 26:22"And they were exceeding sorrowful, and begin every one of them to say unto him, Lord is it I?"

Here they are at the Lord supper,and the Lord says "one of you shall betray me", the Lords inner circle, his twelve, hand picked by him,and one would betray him.They were troubled to know their master would be betrayed, and it troubled them even more to know one of them would do it.They were troubled most of all, that they didn't know which one it was;each afraid for himself,and they asked "Lord is it I".They didn't point fingers at each other, or place blame on one another; they didn't say Lord is it Peter,John or James, they each asked "Lord is it I".

Saints we must all examine ourselves in our walk with the Lord, we must begin to look within for those things which hinder our relationship with Christ.Look within for the gods of this world that blinds us to the will and way of the Lord.They each looked within and ask the question "Lord is it I",Is it I betraying you for the love of money, selling you out for a hand full of silver.Is it I committing spiritual adultry and fornication,as I confess with my mouth, my marriage to the lamb, but secretly climb in and out of the bed with the gods of this world.Lord is it I,being led by the powers of satan unaware, captivated by his lies,and false promises, blinded to the things of heaven, trapped in the flesh,a slave to the old man and his ways,while confessing a new life in Christ.Lord is it I,causing division within your flock,proclaiming and teaching a self serving doctrine,catering your word to fit my beliefs, and lifestyle, Lord is it I; Am I denying you three times before the cock crows,denying you in my walk, in my talk, and in my appearence, as I bear no resemblance to you at all. Lord is it I who dips with you in the love of the Father with one hand, while stabbing you in the back with the other.Lord is it I,Who serves you with my lips, while my heart is far from you, dressed up on the outside looking like a new man, but on the inside just dead lifeless bones, walking on the same crooked path.They all asked" Lord is it I",eating bread with you while,lifting my heals up against you, they wanted and needed to know for themselves,"Lord is it I."

Saints we must be absolutly sure as to where we stand with Christ,salvation is real, and the choices we make are eternal; have you with all sincerity of heart, ask the question" Lord is it I". Because we were the "I" who was lost in sin,the"I" on the way to hell, and the "I" that Jesus suffered ,bled and died to save. So let us ask daily, "Lord is it I" and then pray for the strength not to betray the Lord of Glory.............

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Walk worthy of the name

Luke 6:27-28 "But I say unto you which hear,Love your enemies,do good to them that hate you, Bless them that curse you,and pray for them which despitefully use you".

What would happen if, as Christians, we started actually living out what Jesus taught us?Jesus teachings on love attacks several traditions and misinterpretations of scripture that we sometimes use to justify our sinful and unloving nature.While we have learned to love thy neighbor, we sometime seem to exclude our enemies. But Jesus shatters this line of thinking by instructing us to love and do good to our enemies. The love Jesus instructs us to love with, does not result from any merit or attractiveness in the other person, but comes solely from the heart of the one loving, and we are to seek the best interest of that person, despite their behavior toward us. Now this love does not result from a weakness or failure to stand up for truth or justice, it is a purposeful love that flows from a strong heart that seeks the eternal salvation of others. This sacrifical love demonstrates that our purpose for living is larger than ourselves.
Jesus commands us to pray for and bless those that offend us. Our natural responce is to strike back when mistreated, but Jesus teaches us to do the opposite. Jesus gave two illustrations to show the extent of how far our love for others should go, there is a blow to the face and stolen clothes, in such cases we are not retaliate.The purpose is to reach out in love instead of satisfying ourselves through revenge.
Our love must be strong and purposeful in accepting mistreatment,as it shows our trust in the Lord and his ability to use the situation for his Glory. Jesus not only taught us our love must be strong and purposeful when mistreated, but we must also be merciful to others in our daily lives, as the Father daily pours out new mercy on us.
The standard of sacrificial love goes beyond what others might do or what we might feel we should, but it is what Jesus teaches us to do, it is what he did.The prime example of selfless giving is our heavenly Father himself, who showed kindness to all humanity regardless of how they treated him, as he gave his only begotten son that we might have everlasting life. When we love others the way Jesus instructed us to, we show the world we are his.We often ask WWJD, well now you know, will you follow! Got Jesus? Tell a friend change a life

Jesus : The source of our everything

John 15:1 "I am the true vine,and my father is the husbandman."

Here we have Jesus facing the most terrible scene in all human history.The Son of God about to be murdered at the hands of man.Jesus had came to save all mankind, and yet few were responding.Even his inner circle was starting to fall apart.One would betray him, one would deny him, even to the point of swearing, and the rest would abandon him.Then there was the religious leaders who were rejecting him, all claimed to know God, yet them cried with one loud voice "crucify him." With all this on his mind, he recalled the vine God so often described in the old testiment(ps.80:8-16)

On the night of his arrest and trial, Jesus shared an image that truly illustrates his relationship with all who will believe.He refers to himself as the vine.Jesus said he is the "true vine". This implies that there are counterfeit vines that believers are not to become attached to.We are fruitful branches when our lives reveal a vital link with Christ. Like branches that are pruned by a gardener, the Lord works on His people so that their lives might be more productive.When we first trust in Christ, we experience a cleansing from sin, but God will continue to transform our behavior, by molding it after the Savior's teaching and image.Only those who abide in Jesus will produce good fruit that will last.

The purpose of the branches is to remain united to Jesus(the vine)and bear much fruit.We can do nothing without him, our Growth,development,and maturity all comes from our relationship with Christ. Jesus brought the love of God to the world, and after his ascension, the mission of making God's love known to the world, is our responsibility.Jesus love is the foundation of everything we do,and the image of everything we are.When we obey what Jesus has commanded, we remain in his love(for if you love me,keep my commandments),and abide in him. Jesus greatest joy was doing the will of the Father, and now we have that joy passed on to us.Jesus is the true vine, and we are the branches,let us show the world the results of our abiding relationship with Christ, by our fruitfulness and by the love we share.A healthy measure of joy awaits all who abide in Christ.Let us share Christ with the world, as the Father has shared him with us.............

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jesus: He is worthy to be praised

Psalm 145:2"Every day will I bless thee;and I will praise thy name for ever and ever."

Jesus is worthy to be praised- it is impossible to overstate the worthyness of the Lord to be praised,for he is both the giver and substainer of every living thing.All of creation owes its glory,strength,and honor to God.Even the lions seek their meat from God, and who provides food for the raven.Man and beast, the blade of grass, the valley,and the sea all find purpose and presence in God; even the rocks will cry out if we fail to do so.

Gods greatness is so vast that it cannot be understood or measured.God's goodness and compassion is extended to all people,even the unbeliever, the wicked, the atheists, and the agnostics have received God's patience and grace,if only they would turn and repent. God shows compassion and mercy to all, acknowledging the simplest prayer,and the faintest cry that is made to him. Every living thing benefits from the sun and the rain, seasons, and his substance.

He is worthy to be praised, it is the responsibility of all believers to declare God's glory, not only to their children, but also to strangers,and to an unbelieving world.All his creation, including his saints,will praise him.Now not with the ritualistic hand clap or empty lip service praise, but by living a life before men that tells all who see, that he is worthy to be praised.His praise should be proclaimed( in our walk and our talk)by those who know him, and can testify of his goodness.Saints as good as God has been to us, how can we afford not to praise his name.

God has placed each of us where he wants us in order to be his witness. There are people we can talk to that no one else can reach.We have unique relationships with certain people, family members, friends,neighbors,and co-workers; people who look up to us, and value our input. God expects us to tell them what he has done for us, our assignment from God is to live a life worthy of the name by which we are called that others will seek the salvation of the Lord;thus living a hallelujah life,which gives God the highest praise.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Jesus:the source of our light

John 12:12" Then spake Jesus again unto them,saying,I am the light of the world:He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness,but shall have the light of life."

Until Jesus came to dwell among men, the entire world was in darkness.The concept of walking in darkness, symbolized the sin and ignorance of the lost. Even the most Godly of men relied upon the priest to offer annual sacrifices, first for himself and then for the sins of the people.The comming of Christ, the spotless lamb of God,has taken away our sins and our darkness.His purpose in comming as the "light" was to rescue all who believes in him from satan's"dominion of darkness" and to bring them "into the kingdom of the Son",Gods kingdom of light and love.

Jesus the "true light" that gives light to every man;but this light is available only to those who believe in and follow(obey)Christ. True believers will never walk in darkness,That is they will not continually abide in sin and spiritual ignorance.They shall walk in the light,the devine truth and holiness of God.

The path of the just is as the shining light,that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.When you are born again,God opens your eyes to the spiritual realm, allowing you to see and understand things that you didn't know existed.They are hidden from the world,but revealed unto us.The holy spirit indwelling us reveals to us the path to life,(taking us from darkness into his marvelous light), the will of God ,and the revelation of the word of God.

Now we are the lights of the world, who were sent to open the eyes of the lost,to turn them from darkness to light,and free them from the grips of satan,and lead the to the mercy God, that their sins may be forgiven.But just as the Father and son are one, we to must be one with Christ, for he alone is the source of our light, without him we to are in darkness...........

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Made Free:Jesus our Deliverer

John 8:36 "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

How many of us would like to be king or queen for a day?Imagine having all of that power,and liberty to do what ever we wanted.

Jezebel was once queen of Israel,she likely adorned herself in the finest royal apparel.But she pranced around unaware of the invisible robe made up of satanic chains wrapped tightly around her.She believed she had the liberty to do what ever she wanted, she even convienced her husband Ahab, to take what did not belong to him, simply because he was the king, and could do so.

But everytime she did what she wanted, she tightened her shackles.Jezebel thought she had everything and could do as she pleased, but she was in fact totally enslaved.Saints, liberty isn't freedom, liberty just means we have the freedom to choose,it is a free will, but we must make the right choice.

Sadly, we live in a generation of Jezebels.Our society has convinced us that doing as we please,having a lot of money, and being famous,brings freedom.Because we feel "free",we think we can do as we please, we do not understand how our selfishness and sinful desires can steal our freedom, making us a slave to many masters.

When we believers fail to fellowship with God and meditate in his word,we return to our former bondage and ways.Christ has indeed freed us ,removing the desire, passion,and appetite for sin without withdrawals or symptoms, but to remain free, requires us to remain in his presence and in his word.Only Jesus can free us from the bondage of sin and death, and if we are not free in Christ, we are no more free than Jezebel was,and are destined for the same terrible end.Jesus Christ the truth that makes us free............

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jesus!There is none greater:

Hebrews 1:3 "Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power,when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high;"

The earmark of God's signature on anybook or sermon is Christ as the devine "word," the central focus, and the only way to God.How important is the Lord to you?The question might seem silly, but the apostles themselves had some disagreement about how much the Lord was worth.When Mary broke that box and anointed Jesus,there was a great indignation amoung the disciples.Mary Gave her Lord the best she had yet if she would of asked the twelve, they would of said no it is a waste sell it and give the money to the poor.But thank God she forgot the poor for a while,she forgot the disciples, she forgot herself, and love just flowed out,and she lavished her best possession upon her Lord.

Sometimes we forget just how special our savior really is.We can get so busy about his work, and ironically, forget him,Yet he is the pinnacle of our existence, the reason we are saved,the highest motivation for all christian ministry.(No matter the title we put on ourself, we are nothing but a servant of Jesus Christ).Jesus humbled himself as a servant when he walked this earth,even stooping to wash the feet of his disciples, but he also rose to proclaim "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth."Just how special is he,here is just a peek;

First God appointed him heir of all things;He made all things: he is the brightness of the glory of the Father;He is the express image of the Fathers person,as he bears the impression of Gods nature, he is the perfect revelation of Gods will and glory;He upholds all things, Christ is carrying the universe toward the fulfilment of Gods devine plan; He purged our sins, through his redeeming work on the cross he made salvation available to all who believes;And he was granted the place of highest honor, at the "right hand of the Majesty on high." Jesus is the name above any other, "at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess."It's not about fancy titles, big congragations, or fancy buildings, it is about Jesus, there is none greater!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Lord is my shepherd:

John 10:11 "I am the good shepherd:the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep"

Sheep need a shepherd. These animals are curious but dumb,and often fail to find their way home.Biblical shepherds, being aware of this never took their eyes off their flocks.(His eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches over me.)When the sheep stray into a briar patch or fall down a hill side, the shepherd will search for them and carry them to safty.Shepherds performed numerous duties as they tended their flocks. They would find them shelter, food , water,and watch over and protect them from all that would do them harm.The good shepherd would sacrifice his life to save his sheep.

The Lord is our shepherd , the good shepherd who willingly laid down his life for the sheep.Jesus as the keeper of his flock, guards the entrance to the compound, so that only the flock enters it, and that all his sheep can make it in the pen safely.Because of the presence of sin thieves and robbers try to sneak in and mislead the flock, but through faith in Jesus, the true sheep of God enjoy green pastures of eternal life.Jesus our shepherd protects us from sin, its dangers, and the guilt there of.It was the work Christ did on the cross, which freed us from the power, and dangers of sin, and God can now enter into a relationship with his sheep, the true believer.Unlike a hired hand who would flee at the first sign of danger, Christ was focused on sacrificing himself for the eternal benifit of his people, his sheep.As our shepherd he is our provider,(as he supplies our every need), our protector( for no weapon formed against us shall prosper),our delieverer(As he is the way),and his faithful sheep dogs, goodness and mercy will follow us, all the days of our life.Jesus Christ the good shepherd,he not only knows each member of his flock by name ,but his flock all know him,and they hear his voice and obey him. Saints our shepherd loves us, and wants to take us to high places, but he won't drag us there,and we can't get there just because we wish to be there.We must listen to him, and we must obey his directions,For the Lord is our shepherd, and we shall not want...........

Walk worthy:follow the example :

Phil.2:5 "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus"

The greatest example of unselfishness and humility is Christ himself.We should strive to have the same attitude,as we should imitate Christ fervent obedience to God and his humble service to others.Although Jesus existed as a part of the Godhead, enjoying the glories of heaven,He willingly gave up his high position to become a servant of the very ones he created.

His example cuts through the pride and self-centeredness that so often divide believers.The phrase"made himself nothing"indicates that Christ"emptied himself" of his heavenly priviledges and instead took on the attributes of servant,humanity, and the total obedience to the Father.

Jesus didn't stop being God while on earth,the act of Christ becomming a man is the perfect example of humility. Jesus volentarily put aside all his rights and priviledges as God, to assume the role of a servant,the son of God became the son of man ,that the sons of man might become the sons of God. But his sacrifice didn't stop there, he obeyed the Father to the point of death.

Christ is an example to follow, showing us how to live.He did this by always thinking about what was best for others,as he looked beyond our faults though they were many and provided our every need for salvation,and for us to have the same mind ,we to must put the needs of others before our needs, wants, and lay aside our petty differences.
When we imitate Christ in the way he submitted to God, and unselfishly helped others,we discover that our relationship with God and others become stronger and richer, this is when we let our light so shine that the world see we are children of the Lord.So let us walk worthy and follow our example, and "let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus"........

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Living with the light on!

1John 1:5b-7;"God is light,and in him is no darkness at all.If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness we lie,and do not the truth:But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another,and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin."

God is light and in him is no darkness at all, for God dwells in the light, and he has commanded us to walk in that light.Our fellowship with God and his son Jesus Christ is in the light,if we remaind in the darkness we cannot have fellowship with him.

Darkness and light cannot co-exist. The point of reconcilliation between God and man is man's acknowledgement of his sin and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord.We must not remain at the point of acceptance, but we must grow in faith, in obedience to God's word and unto perfection.Those who are not walking in the light are abiding in death.Those who claim to have fellowship with God but continue to practice sin deceived themselves.

Those who enjoy genuine fellowship with God, metaphorically speaking,"walk in the light."This does not mean that they are perfect or sin free, but they let the light reveal the sin in their lives, and then turn away from that sin.Those who walk in the light have fellowship both with God through the confessing and cleansing of their sins and with other believers.People do sin and all that say they don't is calling God a liar,when Gods word is active in your life you will confess your sins and not deny them.Truly knowing Jesus Christ is having a practical daily devotion and obedience to the Father's words.So let us live with the light on and experience the full love of God..

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Just say it: A real life short story!

James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.

When anthony Johnson started barber school part-time, he cut the hair of several of his christian brothers that attended Zion Chapel. Deacon Jones, a church member, persuaded several church members to go check him out. "Anthony, you are doing a good job"Deacon Jones would say and then add the best part is the price: FREE!

Anthony appreciated Deacon Jones helping him through school, but once Anthony finished school and started working in the barbershop, things got tight financially. The other brothers started paying Anthony but Deacon Jones didn't.

Anthony begin not wanting to see Deacon Jones comming or couldn't stand looking at him in church.When he mentioned it to his wife she simply said ,"next time just ask him to pay for his hair cut."

The next time anthony seen Deacon come in he said jokingly"sorry deacon, the hair cuts aren't free anymore" "you should have said something earlier" Deacon Jones
said,I ain't got a problem paying you, you always do a good job.He pulled out $100.00 bill and said keep the change for all the free ones.

Like Anthony we too sometimes hold things in against God and others, but we need to speak up and confess our wrong doings to God.Our anger, resentment, jealousy, and other sins need to be confessed to him first, then we need to attempt to straighten things out with the person. Let us practice being open with God that we might begin to deal honestly with one another.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Look what Jesus did!

Colossian 1:21-22 "And you,that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled;In the body of his flesh through death,to present you holy and unblamable and unreprovable in his sight:"

People are in rebillion against God,their Creator.Reconciliation is needed to repair this breach between God and humanity caused by sin. Just as Jesus Christ is the word by which everything made was made ,he is also the means by which God would reconcile people to himself. Jesus died to make peace with God possible for all who would believe in him.

Those whom God befriends through Christ are now regarded as "holy in his sight". We are made the righteousness of God, through the blood of Jesus.Believers in Jesus Christ are positioned before God, as holy by virtue of Christ's merits applied to them.
Therefore in Christ, all Christians are "unblameable" before God.When we continue in our faith, it is evidence to others, that we belong to Christ.Through our obedience we remain grounded in the faith in the gospel.

Look what Jesus did,he has repaired a relationship that had been broken since Adam sinned.We don't ever have to hide from God again, as Adam did in the garden.We can know him not just as Lord and savior, but as a friend who has forgiven us a great debt. Calvery's bridge was costly to build, but without it the great gulf between God and us would never have been bridged. Thank you Jesus for the gift of salvation.

A second chance

Luke 13:7-9"Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard,Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree,and find none: cut it down;why cumbereth it the ground.And he answering said unto him,Lord,let it alone this year also,till I shall dig about it, and dung it:And if it bear fruit, well:and if not,then after that thou shalt cut it down."

Here we have Jesus telling a parable about a fruitless fig tree. A vineyard owner planted a fig tree,which he left in the care of his gardener. three years later, the owner returned to see if the tree had produced any fruit.It hadn't. In spite of the care and attention of the gardner, the tree was fruitless.In this parable the fig tree represents Gods people,God wants his peoples lives to be a reflection of his character so that others could see what he was like.God has nurtured and protected us that he could accomplish this purpose.God wants to see if his careful attention will produce some spiritual fruit.He wants us to be careful not to slip into fruitless legalism,which gives the appearence of holiness but lacks the quality of true righteousness that God cares about.Simply turning away from our sins is not enough, we need to replace our sinful ways with something better,something more pleasing to God.

Even though the fig tree deserves to be cut down, the gardener didn't want the tree cut down. Like Jesus did for us , he spoke up against destroying the tree. Jesus continious care is so that we might bear fruit.Through this parable we should learn an important lesson about repentance. Though we might deserve judgement, we have time to repent of our sins and live in a way that honors God.Our past sins may have resulted in a fruitless life ,but God is willing to give all who will a second chance.

God expects those who want a right relationship with him to live in a way that honors him. It's not enough just to belive in God or to turn away from sin. We must live obedient lives that bear fruit.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Jesus Christ is the way: A one of a kind savior

John 1:1"In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God".

The bible's description of the human condition is that we are sinful and separated from God. Yet God longs to live in loving relationship with us.
How can sinful man and a holy God be reconciled?God's answer is Jesus Christ, the one who came as God in human form. As man Jesus faced and triumphed over temptation, never giving in to it.His pure life made him a pure sacrifice satisfying God's requirments for dealing justly with sin;and since Jesus is also God, when he had successfully met every obstacle to his mission, he exercised his authority over sin and death, setting believers free from the ultimate destruction of these powers.
In our human condition we might not be able to relate to Jesus' complete sinlessness, But we can relate to the weakness, vunerability, temptation, pain,
loneliness, and loss he suffered while he walked in our shoes.Jesus was tempted in every way, just as we are, yet without sin. We can take comfort in knowing that Jesus understands what we are going through as we struggle, and has empowered us to resist sin.
Jesus is one true savior who makes our relationship with God a meaningful and genuine reality through his compassion. Jesus humanity makes him able to sympathize with our weaknesses. His diety makes him powerful enough to provide all we need for a life of faith.As believers we are invited to approach him confidently and receive both his compassion and his power.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Called to labor

Luke10:2"Therefore said he unto them,The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few:pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest."
It's been said that you are either a missionary or a mission field.That is,you are either being ministered to by others, or you are ministering to them. This scripture reminds us that we can go out in confidence, because God has gone before and prepared the way. There are persons of peace out there who are waiting to accept the Gospel if we share it with them.
Saints Jesus didn't plan to minister alone. His goal is to partner with those willing to minister with him.The spiritual fields are ripe for harvest.Many want to hear the good news,but there is a lack of workers willing to gather in the spiritual crops, to bring in the sheaves.Jesus has empowered us to proclaim the good news of the Gospel, in our walk and our talk ; in our attitude and our graditude; our sharing and our caring, he has given us everything we need to go into the fields and reap the harvest.When we go out and proclaim the good new of the Gospel, we heal sin sick souls, which shows the love of God to all. Now understand, not everyone is going to be receptive to Jesus or his message,but we are just to proclaim it anyway.We are to proclaim the good news to every creature, and warn those who resist the truth, that Jesus is real whether they believe it or not and he is comming back.
When we proclaim Gods word truthfully, then his spirit will move on the prepared heart and lead them to his salvation. Remember God adds to the Church daily as he sees fit. We are just to go out and proclaim the good news.We can share anything we have; Got Jesus? share a word, save a life!

got jesus: Changed Heart

got jesus: Changed Heart: "Luke 1:74-75 'That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear,In holiness a..."

Changed Heart

Luke 1:74-75 "That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear,In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life."
  God promise Abraham the entire world would be blessed through his seed. The redemption of mankind and the fulfilment of Gods promise would involve three things. The first would be our deliverence from the hands of our enemies. Through out this life, we are threatened and sometimes over taken by the false gods we've created.We are in constant conflict with the flesh,eventually we are overrun by our various lust, and taken into captivity by mass confusion.In these times we have a new eneny which has taken many prisioner; power, prestige and prosperity. But the soul of man is longing to be made free from all ungodly rulers. God promised us a delieverer which would free us from all and show us the way to an eternal rest in the land of promise. The second aspect of redemption is spiritual, see at times we have a good relationship with God, and we benifit from that relationship.But at times we turn our backs on God and suffer the consequences. God wants a personal relationship with his people, one where we will be totally devoted to him. Jesus is the power to bring us into this type of relationship with God. Then the third aspect of redemption is moral.We need guidance in right living, but more than that, we need a change of heart. Jesus brings about a redemption of the heart, one that would allow us to have love for our fellow man, a sacrificial love which will seek the good for others over the good of yourself. A heart which will allow us to serve God without fear but with holiness and righteousness.
   God fulfilled his promise to us, he gave us Jesus, and Jesus protects us from all our enemies, he is the way back into the right relationship with God,  a relationship which will result in a changed heart.....Got Jesus? share with the world the precious gift which was shared with you..

Gotjesus: Called to love ; Walk worthy of the name.

Gotjesus: Called to love ; Walk worthy of the name.

got jesus: Recognizing Jesus

got jesus: Recognizing Jesus: "Luke 2:28-30 'then he took him up in his arms, and blessed God and said,Lord ,now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy..."

Recognizing Jesus

Luke 2:28-30 "then he took him up in his arms, and blessed God and said,Lord ,now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:for mine eyes have seen thy salvation."

   Saint there are times in our life when we go through some things, and we don't reconize Jesus working in the mist. There was a lady with cancer, she tried to be upbeat about it ,but after a few weeks of chemo, a bout with pneumonia and a stay in the hospital she became angry with God.
    Then one day her friend helped her to see things differently: She told her you may not see Jesus, because you aren't really looking for him. She said what about the doctors and nurses you've witnessed to about Jesus, the encouraging visits, the constant flowers? What about your son, who is praying and attending church for the first time. Then the lady realized Jesus was there all the time. God dosn't make us sick, yet he is redemptive and knows how to make great things come out of adversity.
      During our times when we make mistakes,or during times of confusion and dispair, if we expect Jesus to be there with us we will not be disappointed. God will give us eyes to see him and a mind to know him-that he is faithful.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Called to love ; Walk worthy of the name.

Luke 6:27-28 "But I say unto you which hear,Love your enemies,do good to them that hate you, Bless them that curse you,and pray for them which despitefully use you".

   What would happen if, as Christians, we started actually living out what Jesus taught us?Jesus teachings on love attacks several traditions and misinterpretations of scripture that we sometimes use to justify our sinful and unloving nature.While we have learned to love thy neighbor, we sometime seem to exclude our enemies. But Jesus shatters this line of thinking by instructing us to love and do good to our enemies. The love Jesus instructs us to love with, does not result from any merit or attractiveness in the other person, but comes solely from the heart of the one loving, and we are to seek the best interest of that person, despite their behavior toward us. Now this love does not result from a weakness or failure to stand up for truth or justice, it is a purposeful love that flows from a strong heart that seeks the eternal salvation of others. This sacrifical love demonstrates that our purpose for living is larger than ourselves.
      Jesus commands us to pray for and bless those that offend us. Our natural responce is to strike back when mistreated, but Jesus teaches us to do the opposite. Jesus gave two illustrations to show the extent of how far our love for others should go, there is a blow to the face and stolen clothes, in such cases we are not retaliate.The purpose is to reach out in love instead of satisfying ourselves through revenge.
    Our love must be strong and purposeful in accepting mistreatment,as it shows our trust in the Lord and his ability to use the situation for his Glory. Jesus not only taught us our love must be strong and purposeful when mistreated, but we must also be merciful to others in our daily lives, as the Father daily pours out new mercy on us.
    The standard of sacrificial love goes beyond what others might do or what we might feel we should, but it is what Jesus teaches us to do, it is what he did.The prime example of selfless giving is our heavenly Father himself, who showed kindness to all humanity regardless of how they treated him, as he gave his only begotten son that we might have everlasting life. When we love others the way Jesus instructed us to, we show the world we are his.We often ask WWJD, well now you know, will you follow!  Got Jesus? Tell a friend change a life....

Thursday, December 2, 2010

He upholeth me ;He lifts me up, with his right hand

Isaiah 41:10 "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: Be not dismayed; for I am God: I will strenghthen thee; I will help thee; Yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

    How do people handle going through life without God? Gods promise to never leave or forsake us, is perhaps the best of all promises. In spite of our rebellious hearts toward God, with love he still tells us "I have chosen you and have not rejected you".Did we we earn this love?deserve it?, ask for it? No. God is committed totally to his children, even though our walk with him is inconsistant and shakey. What would we do without God? Many seek solis in a number of false gods, they enter into bad relationships of all kinds, they chase careers, money, material goods, sex, substance abuse and even religion.These are just a short list of the false gods he create.But there is only one true God. He says " fear thou not", we have nothing to fear, for he offers his presence to support us in life, for he is with us, the Lord is our shepherd, he provides for us, he is our provision, our hope, our guide, our direction and his two wonderful sheep dogs goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life to protect us.With Gods presence in our life we are never at a loss. He is God, so let us be grateful to him, and thankful for him, in our worship and praise to him,(not with an empty shouts of joy, or a ritulistic hand praise), But by living a life before men, worthy of the name we bear, we are children of the most high God, he is our strenght, so let us walk like it; he is our ever present help, so let us talk like it; and he upholds us with the right hand of his righteousness! so let us  live like it.Jesus the Christ, the righteousness right hand of God, that hold up all who believes.......Live victoriously in Christ..............

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Take no thought:

Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness;and all these things shall be added unto you."

    We are living in very uncertain times. These days it is very hard for one to plan ahead, we have people in washington who can't seems to come together on what is best for the american people. One side pulling this way and the other side pulling that way, and we are left in the middle full of doubt and uncertainties.We just don't know, will we have a job or not,will we have a income, will we have a house to live in, what will we eat and what shall we wear. We just don't know what we should do, yes saints these are some tough times.But we have comfort in Gods word. He says "take no thought" take no thought for tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself. Take no thought for what you will eat, or wear for your father in heaven knows you have need of these things."But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and these things shall be added unto you." He starts off with "But" see saints God has a but for everyone of our doubts and fears. You say " I don't see no way thru this", But "I am the way" a way out of no way. You say " what are we going to eat" But "I am the bread of life". So he says "But",then, seek ye first; Saint this has to be the first thing on our agenda, let him who is first have the first, the first of our thoughts, the first of our day, the first of all our fruits, let all our waking thoughts be of God first.( In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path) "seek ye first the kingdom of God" now when we seek him , we must really seek him. Seek him like we do when we can't find the car keys and we are about to be late to work. Turn over everything , move everything, look even in places you know they are not, and that you've look in before. So move greed, and pride out of your hearts,turn over unrighteousness, self pitty, doubt and fear,remove all things and people which might hinder you seeking and finding the kingdom of God.(This action will bring you to a moment of self actulization, allowing you to see where you are, in contrast to where God needs you to be, if you really seek him that is). He says" But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness" When seeking the kingdom, make sure you also seek the righteousness of that kingdom; Jesus the righteousness of God, seek him diligently for he is a rewarder of them who diligently seek him. "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you". Saints just trust and believe Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord will provide.....So take no thought

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Truly Blessed

Psalms 1:1 "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly,nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful."

      I'm too blessed to stress; Blessed and highly favored: these are popular saying we throw around all the time.But are you really blessed? Truly blessed? The word of God says that "Blessed is the man that don't continue to walk in the advice of the wicked, or stand in the way of the sinner, or sits in the seat of the scornful.See the character and condition of a Godly man allows him to walk in the righteousness of God. God knows those that are his by name, but we only know them by character.The character of a Godly man is given by the rules he chooses to walk by and the advice he takes his direction from.The Godly man takes his direction from the word of God,  he meditates on it day and night. This keeps him on the narrow road, the staright path ,so he is blessed not to walk in the ways of the wicked.The ungodly are unsettled, they have no pacific goal or aim, they don't walk by no certain rule, as they stand for nothing and seem to fall for everything ,thinking they are free, they become slaves to many masters, they are at the command of every lust and the beck and call of every temptation.The Godly man sees them with a sad heart, but he does not do what they do, his character won't allow him to follow their advise, stand in their unrighteousness or to seek rest in their unbelief. He takes his rest in the word of God, and is blessed with a blessing which flows like a flowing river of water, and in all that the Godly man does, he  prospers.
   So if you think you're blessed now just think of how blessed we would be if we meditated on the word of God day and night, if we were to walk worthy of the name by which we are called. Got Jesus? tell a friend save a life................................

Monday, November 29, 2010

Have you counted up the cost?

John 6:69 "And we believe and are sure that thou art the Christ, the son of the living God"
  " No man having put his hand to the plough, and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God." For which of you , intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it. Saints who hath believed our report?And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? Do you believe? have you truly counted up the cost? Will you go on with Jesus, or will you go back, and walk no more with him. Here in this chapter of John we have what can be called the revelation of Jesus Christ. Jesus reveals who he is , why he came and our work in this great plan of salvation.(since the fall of man ,it has always be about reconciling man back with God, noah's ark, Joseph in egypt, moses leading them from Egypt even Samson's battle all about the salvation of Gods people.)Here in the story we have a great multitude following Jesus,( all following Jesus were not Follwers of Jesus,are you following him or a follower of his) many followed seeking the miracles he preformed and the food which they ate.( we have many today seeking Jesus for what they can get out of him, and not for what he can give to them). Jesus reveals to us our work in this great plan, he took the loaves Blessed it then broke it and gave to the disciples, who then distributed it among the people, Jesus then instructed them to gather up the fragments that none be lost. See Jesus came that none be lost,he has given us the blessed word of God for us to take out and share with a dying world, that none be lost, we are then to take up the fragments of broken lives, and lead them to Jesus. Then Jesus reavels who he is, stating that all who don't eat of his flesh and drink of his blood shall not enter the kingdom.See we must get Jesus on the inside, he is the living word by which we shall have everlating life. He is the abundant life promised us by Gods word. God never promised us big cars, fancy houses, large bank accounts, he never said the road would be easy , a narrow road is never an easy road. But what he did promise is that he would never leave you nor forsake you, and life more abundantly, what can be more abundant that a life with one who has all power..........Got Jesus?  Tell a friend change a life

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Lord; my strength

Psalms 18:1" I will Love thee, O Lord my strength"
  I heard a story of a father and his son on a camping trip. They were traveling on a ready made path to a camp ground. As they were making their way up the path a large rock blocked the path. The father said to the son "I'm going to make a man out of you, use your strenght and move the rock." The boy gripped the rock on both sides and tried pushing the rock but it never moved. The boy told his father "It won't move". His father told him he wasn't using all his strenght, so the boy tried again pushing with everything he had, but the rock still didn't move. The boy said father I used all my strenght and I just can't move it. The father said you haven't used all your strenght, the boy a little upset now grabb hold of the rock and pushed, sweet rolling down his face ,yet the rock never moved. The boy said father I used all my strength and still the rock didn't move.His father looked at him and said you didn't use all your strenght, because you never asked me to help.
  Saints there are stumbling blocks that sometimes block the path that God has called us to travel , and many of us get frustrated and change course because we try to move these obsticles by ourselves; But the Lord is our strength in our time of weakness. Let us call on the Lord to aid us in moving the mountains which hinder our journey, let us use all our strength.........Got Jesus? tell afriend change a life........

A vessel of honor

2nd Tim.2:20 "But in the great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honor, and some to dishonor"
   The new testiment gives us many beautiful parables about what it means to be saved, to be a member of the family of God, and to serve the lord Jesus Christ. In the book of ephesians, Paul talks about the church as the household of God. Here in 2nd tim. he speaks of the child of God liken to a vessel in this great house. He speaks of two types of vessels in this house; a vessel of honor and a vessel of dishonor. Saints every christian is a chosen vessel unto Christ, the question is are we to honor or to dishonor. Every believer should live a dedicated life having a compelling desire to be used of God in whatever way he chooses.We must be strong in the grace that is in Jesus Christ, we must study Gods word, that we might be a workman who needs not be ashamed, and  be useful to the master, prepared for every good work.See it is Jesus Christ which gives us the power and the tools to fight this spiritual battle, he equips us for this ministry of reconcilliation, thru Christ, the presence of God enters our hearts, and has the power to transform and convert a vessel of dishonor into a vessel of honor. Gods grace allows us to endure all things, that we might with a singleness of mind proclaim with a loud voice the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the power of God unto salvation. Let us walk in the power of God, and walk worthy of the name by which we are called that we will be victorious over are enemy and lead all in darkness into his marvelous light.....Got Jesus? tell a friend change a life