Saturday, December 4, 2010

Changed Heart

Luke 1:74-75 "That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear,In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life."
  God promise Abraham the entire world would be blessed through his seed. The redemption of mankind and the fulfilment of Gods promise would involve three things. The first would be our deliverence from the hands of our enemies. Through out this life, we are threatened and sometimes over taken by the false gods we've created.We are in constant conflict with the flesh,eventually we are overrun by our various lust, and taken into captivity by mass confusion.In these times we have a new eneny which has taken many prisioner; power, prestige and prosperity. But the soul of man is longing to be made free from all ungodly rulers. God promised us a delieverer which would free us from all and show us the way to an eternal rest in the land of promise. The second aspect of redemption is spiritual, see at times we have a good relationship with God, and we benifit from that relationship.But at times we turn our backs on God and suffer the consequences. God wants a personal relationship with his people, one where we will be totally devoted to him. Jesus is the power to bring us into this type of relationship with God. Then the third aspect of redemption is moral.We need guidance in right living, but more than that, we need a change of heart. Jesus brings about a redemption of the heart, one that would allow us to have love for our fellow man, a sacrificial love which will seek the good for others over the good of yourself. A heart which will allow us to serve God without fear but with holiness and righteousness.
   God fulfilled his promise to us, he gave us Jesus, and Jesus protects us from all our enemies, he is the way back into the right relationship with God,  a relationship which will result in a changed heart.....Got Jesus? share with the world the precious gift which was shared with you..


  1. Christ has come to give us the desires of our hearts. The ones which may not be noticed, what is amazing is that we often times think we know what the heart wants or needs, but it is only when we give our passion completely over to Christ that we experience what it feels like to have a changed heart.

  2. God gave us the gift of love when he gave us his only begotten son. Let us on this holyday season, reach out to all we see with a changed heart and share with the world the love God shared with us.Give Jesus for christmas this year to a lost soul.............share a word change a life
