Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Living with the light on!

1John 1:5b-7;"God is light,and in him is no darkness at all.If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness we lie,and do not the truth:But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another,and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin."

God is light and in him is no darkness at all, for God dwells in the light, and he has commanded us to walk in that light.Our fellowship with God and his son Jesus Christ is in the light,if we remaind in the darkness we cannot have fellowship with him.

Darkness and light cannot co-exist. The point of reconcilliation between God and man is man's acknowledgement of his sin and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord.We must not remain at the point of acceptance, but we must grow in faith, in obedience to God's word and unto perfection.Those who are not walking in the light are abiding in death.Those who claim to have fellowship with God but continue to practice sin deceived themselves.

Those who enjoy genuine fellowship with God, metaphorically speaking,"walk in the light."This does not mean that they are perfect or sin free, but they let the light reveal the sin in their lives, and then turn away from that sin.Those who walk in the light have fellowship both with God through the confessing and cleansing of their sins and with other believers.People do sin and all that say they don't is calling God a liar,when Gods word is active in your life you will confess your sins and not deny them.Truly knowing Jesus Christ is having a practical daily devotion and obedience to the Father's words.So let us live with the light on and experience the full love of God..


  1. So let us, let our light SO shine, that men may see our good works and glorify our father in heaven, Jesus puts the SO in so shine!

  2. Even though it might seem easier to walk in darkness our way, it only seems like it is, there is no greater joy than the joy of living with the light of shining in and on our life. So walk in the light and let the world see the glory of the lord shine in you!
