Saturday, December 4, 2010

Recognizing Jesus

Luke 2:28-30 "then he took him up in his arms, and blessed God and said,Lord ,now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:for mine eyes have seen thy salvation."

   Saint there are times in our life when we go through some things, and we don't reconize Jesus working in the mist. There was a lady with cancer, she tried to be upbeat about it ,but after a few weeks of chemo, a bout with pneumonia and a stay in the hospital she became angry with God.
    Then one day her friend helped her to see things differently: She told her you may not see Jesus, because you aren't really looking for him. She said what about the doctors and nurses you've witnessed to about Jesus, the encouraging visits, the constant flowers? What about your son, who is praying and attending church for the first time. Then the lady realized Jesus was there all the time. God dosn't make us sick, yet he is redemptive and knows how to make great things come out of adversity.
      During our times when we make mistakes,or during times of confusion and dispair, if we expect Jesus to be there with us we will not be disappointed. God will give us eyes to see him and a mind to know him-that he is faithful.

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