Friday, July 31, 2015

A Resurrected Life

Revelation 1:18 "I am he that liveth,and was dead; and,behold,I am alive for evermore,Amen; and I have the keys of hell and of death.
Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever live and believeth in me shall never die. Before a person can experience the event of the resurrection unto life, he or she must experience the person who is the resurrection. How can you be apart of something you know nothing about, how can you believe in Him whom you haven't heard?

Without any conviction there can be no true conversion, you can't truly experience an resurrected life until you first realize you were dead in sin. As we partake in His death, we will walk in the newness of life. But to walk new, the old must die, and for the old to die, we must realize there was an old. I am crucified with Christ, and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. We must die to self in order to live for Him. All things are of God. He is the beginning, He is the process, and he is the end. He is our beginning, he is our path, and he is our life. See it is all about Christ and him crucified, and we must really come to this knowledge, to become better Christians, more obedient servants, convincing witnesses, and a more accurate reflection of who Christ is. Who we are will no longer seem important, our time will be spent lifting up our Savior, and not elevating ourselves. We will seek all lost souls, spreading the good news of the gospel.

Let us take the time and let ourselves get caught up in the thought of being in Jesus' powerful presence. This is our resurrected Lord, and Savior. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Saying And Doing.........

John 13:38"Jesus answered him, wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake? Verily, Verily, I say unto thee, the cock shall not crow, till thou hast denied me thrice"

I ask the question; will you deny the Lord? It is easy while in the comforts of the church house to say I'll lay down my life for the Lord, but when the enemy begins his attack on you, will you still be willing to lay down your life to follow Christ.

On the night when Jesus was preparing to lay down his life to save mankind, Peter claimed to be willing to lay down his life for Jesus. Now don't get me wrong, it is better to die with Jesus than to live without him, but Peter didn't fully understand what it meant to lay down his life to follow Jesus. Many today don't take the time to count up the cost when it comes to following Christ. See it's one thing to leave the fishing boats to follow Christ, and something totally different to lay down ones life to follow. It's one thing to make a sacrifice a couple of hours on Sunday to follow Christ, but can you sacrifice a lifetime to follow him. We must realize there is a wilderness between the red sea and the promise land. There is a great suffering that comes before the promised rest. You can't enjoy the risen savior without suffering with the crucified Lord. The truth is some of us will be scared away by the sufferings that lies ahead; many of us will abandon him when the persecution comes. He will be sold out in times of uncertainties, and he will be denied at a time when a witness is needed. How can we say we will do with such ease, something that the Lord himself struggled with in the garden. Will you take up a cross for those who talk about you, spitefully use you, falsely accuse you. Will you love your enemy, will you humble yourself as a little child, and submit to the will of God. When it's all on the line, will you deny the lord.

We all know that Judas sold Jesus out while Peter denied him, and the other disciples abandoned him. But are you aware that some of us have also sold him out, abandoned him and denied him, by the way we sometimes live our life. Will you lay down your life for the Lord?

Monday, July 27, 2015

Let Us Remember

Revelation 2:5 "Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will Come unto thee quickly,and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent."

Remember when you first came to Christ? Remember how you couldn't wait to tell others the good news. Remember how you were the first to service and the last to leave, always wanting and willing to help out where ever you could. Remember how diligently you studied for Sunday School and bible study, looking forward to hearing and sharing with others in a urgent need to know more and to do more? Well what happened?

Many have fallen off because they refuse to let go of some ways, habits, people and things of the old man to fully grab hold of the Lord. Many refuse to destroy all of the old man not realizing that a little leaven, leavens the whole loaf. When God sent Israel into a strange land, His instructions to them was to destroy everything, don't spare anything. See if we don't destroy everything in our life that causes us to rebel against God, that little bit will eventually cause us to leave our first love. We must come all the way out of Sodom, not just to the plains which is too close to Sodom, but get to the mountains which is closer to the Lord. Yes it is harder and more work to get to the mountains, but staying in the plains puts us to close to sin and makes our return to sin much easier.

Let us remember what the Lord has done for us that we might remember all we are called to do for Him. Lets not get so comfortable in our salvation that we begin to return to the ways of old. Let us continue forward and proclaim the good news of the gospel..

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Mercy; Mercy; Mercy

Psalm 107:1 "Oh give thanks unto the Lord,for he is good:for His mercy endureth forever"
The work of God's mercy is to raise us up to live with Christ. Scripture plainly declares that God has raised  up believers together with Christ. How is this possible when Christ was crucified and raised up thousands of years ago? God raised Jesus for three reasons; Jesus lived a sinless perfect life. God loved man and wanted to save man, but he had a problem, man had already sinned. Righteousness and perfection had already been lost, and only perfection can live in the presence of God. However, there was hope. If a man could live a perfect and ideal life, that man could secure perfection, and the Ideal righteousness, and that man could stand for and cover all who trusted in him. This is what Jesus did.

Jesus was the ideal and perfect man. He was the sacrificial lamb without spot or blemish who could die for the sins of mankind. Jesus died for man, he accepted for us the wage paid by sin. He bore man's penalty and punishment for the sins we were guilty. He who knew no sin was made sin that we who knew no righteousness could be made righteous. God then raised Jesus from the dead, His resurrection stands for all who believes, all who by faith, believes and is baptized, can be saved by the grace of God and the goodness of his mercy.

Hope can come to sinners: God says I have mercy upon them. Mercy abides in the heart of God even after the hope of it has left the heart of man.God's mercy is coming, and it has come to all who will accept it. Jesus is the mercy of God given to all who will believe and receive it....

Friday, July 24, 2015

With All My Heart

Matthew 15:8 "This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me".

We Live in a very self-absorbed society where we have to work to stay away from self centeredness we see around us everyday. We escape through true worship of Jesus. The word "worship" these days can conjure up images of a multi-piece worship band with hundreds of singers in a mega church setting. True worship however can only be done in spirit and in truth. Many today claim to be in worship of Lord but in actuality, they are just part of  an organized religious ritual. Can God truly be worshipped if one has hatred in their hearts?

Jesus said the people draw near to him with their mouth, and honor him with their lips. We must be careful not to talk about a relationship with Christ, without living like we have a relationship with Him. We should worship God with our life, our whole life and every part of our life should be a sacrifice unto the Lord. Paul said present your body a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God. With all that Christ has done for us, should he be happy with the few hours a week we spend in the ritualistic exercise that we call worship. Jesus is the Son of the living God, the power of God, given to man and given for man, the door which allows us entrance into the kingdom of God. He is our way to  the throne room, the keeper of the flock, the blood by which we are made the righteousness of God, the perfect sacrifice for an imperfect people, and we must be careful not to pass off an outward show of scheduled entertainment as worship. God deserves better than that.

Remember Mary worshipped the Lord, by covering him with expensive oil. Now it wasn't the fact that the oil was expensive that mattered. It was the fact that she worshipped him by sacrificing the best that she had and with all she had. She felt there was nothing to good for the Lord. Can you say that you are  giving the Lord all and the best that you have? Are you worshipping Him with all your heart or is it just lip service.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Thankul Living!

Ephesians 4:1 "I Therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called."

One day when I was lost, Jesus died upon a cross! Jesus the Christ laid down His life that we might have a right to the tree of life. He fulfilled for us all that God requires of us to enter into His kingdom and enjoy everlasting life with our Father. Everything I need to live in peace with my creator is all wrapped up in the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. With all he did, the least we can do is walk worthy of such a life.
Here we have Paul saying, with all Jesus did we ought to live a life worthy of the calling to which we were called. In view of all that God's grace has done for us sinners, we should live in a manner befitting the divine call and the great price paid for salvation. With all He went through, with all He endured, with all He suffered, sacrificed, gave up, and surrendered,with all He did for us ,we should live a life worthy of His name. We must be humble in our dealings with one another. Let us be patient with the weaker and lame sheep of the flock. Let us seek to bear one another's burdens in love as Christ bore ours on the cross. We are one body, we must bend over backwards to maintain the unity and oneness of the body. With all He did, let us deny our self daily and walk in harmony with our Savior.
With all Jesus did for us, we should present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God. With all He did, we should walk worthy of our call, that a lost soul might come to know the salvation we enjoy. He died for us, so let us live for Him.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Can You See What I Say?

Psalm 34:3 " O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together ".

Can Christ be seen in your life? Now I'm not talking about people seeing you with a bible or dressed up on Sunday morning going to church. No I'm asking can Christ the person, be seen in your life?Yes we all can talk about Jesus, but can the world see what we say. We all shout hallelujah, but is the life we are living a hallelujah life. Can the deaf man see what the blind man hears? If a stranger sees you on Monday, will they see the Christian the church heard on Sunday?

David says "Oh magnify the Lord with me". To magnify means to make bigger, in order to be seen clearly. Now being a musician he didn't say let's amplify the Lord, which means to make louder. We are to live a life that puts Jesus on display. John said we must decrease and allow Christ to increase in our lives. Does your life produce the fruit of the spirit? Can the love of God be seen in your treatment and acceptance of others. Does his mercy show when others falsely accuse you. Is his longsuffering present in your dealings with the lost of this world. Are you kind, giving, and forgiving to all that you see? David said magnify the Lord, let him be seen in all that you do. Let His love reign in your heart. Let His mercy fill your speech, and your hands be full of His giving. Magnify the Lord and let us exalt His name together. It is when the world can see Christ in your life that He is exalted. If you truly want to praise the Lord, live a life before man that will lead a lost soul to Jesus.
Many have gotten caught up in the "worship" and have left out the Lord.We spend more time trying to show the world we are saved, that we sometimes over shadow the one who saves. Let us make sure we magnify the Lord with how live before man that there is no doubt in our praise. Let us make Jesus the biggest part of our life. Let us be truly hid with Christ in God, that all the world can see is the Christ in us, that a lost soul might be saved.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

He Is The Man

Matthew 27:22 "Pilate saith unto them, what shall I do then with Jesus which is called the Christ?They all say unto him, let Him be crucified".

Jesus mission was to bear the burden of our sins. He took upon himself the punishment we deserved for our sins, and he suffered on behalf of us, suffering that included being whipped all night long by a band of solder, he was spit on, slapped with an open hand, mocked and pierced in his side. He endured the excruciating pain of his execution knowing that his death would result in spiritual restoration, and in some cases physical healing, for those who put their trust in him.

All of us are sinners, and all are in need of spiritual redemption. Jesus secured that redemption with the shedding of his blood, for without the shedding of blood ,there is no remission of sin.Jesus didn't open his mouth and complain about his treatment, although by many standards he was treated unfairly. Like a lamb being led to slaughter, he yielded to his fate without resistance. He was the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. He was God's sacrificial lamb, a lamb slaughtered on the altar as an atoning sacrifice. He was also the scapegoat, the one who separates sin from the sinner so God can look at us sinners and see us as sinless. Because Jesus took on the sin of  mankind and was sacrificed on our behalf, God's demand for justice was satisfied. Now he sits at the right hand of God, where he intercedes on the behalf of all believers, when the enemy makes accusations against us.

What was needed to purchase redemption for man was done through Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross, where he bore our iniquities,  and poured his life out unto death to secure forgiveness." behold the Man who died to save the whole world.

Friday, July 17, 2015

He Told Me To Run On

Galatians 5:7 "Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth"?

This Christian race is by no means easy. We are hindered in running the race which is set before us, because our sinful nature still remains in the holiest of us. The entanglements of the world, like heavy or tight fitting clothes, hindering the runners ability to run. Our weakness and infirmities, wear us out, because the race is long and the road can get rough. Some are to busy, they run around to much to run this race. Some run to fast at the start and are soon out of breath.

We have fallen off in the areas of  reading God's word, and family prayer. We have lost God's word in the mist of various other books about the bible that seems to occupy so much of our time, we find no time to read the truth of the bible. Many have read biographies, and commentaries written by our religious leaders and every famous preacher, but have never read the biography of Jesus Christ, the holy bible. Many are hindered by the many worldly friends in our lives, none can help us in this race but those who are themselves running it; every one else is a hindrance. When a Christian forms a intimate relationship with a ungodly person, from that moment all progress is at a standstill. See the ungodly person is going in a different direction, so to walk with them you must turn from the direction of God .

A man's course in religion may often seem to be right and progressive, but the undercurrent of his besetting sins is driving him contrary to where he is striving to get to. Let us run on to see what the end is going to bring.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Is He Alive In You

Luke 24:5 " And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, why seek ye the living among the dead"?
The resurrection of Christ is the foundation to the integrity of Christianity, and of course the truth of God's word. For if Christ had not risen then our faith would be in vain. Yet many still don't believe that he lives.
The solders  guarding Jesus tomb said the disciples came by night and stole him away. But he was seen by many, and he rose in many. When the women arrived at the tomb the angels asked, why seek the living among the dead. Let us now show that He has risen, as he is alive within us, let us  walk in a newness of Life. Let us live with the power he rose with, the power to overcome the world. Let us love with the love he shared, " for greater love has no man than this, to lay down his life for a friend". Let us give all as he gave all, he with held nothing from us, like the woman with the two mites, he gave all he had. And let us forgive others with the same mercy Jesus shared with us, forgiving in spite of, for we know not what we do. Let us proclaim His resurrection by living a resurrected life.
When we as solders in Christ's army, live true Christ like lives, it is then that the world will know that he has risen, because they will witness his resurrection in the lives that we live. So let us walk worthy of the name we behold, and go out and proclaim to a dying world the good news.  He Has Risen, does He live with in you!

Monday, July 13, 2015

He Got Up

Matthew 28:6 "He Is not here:For he is risen,as he said.Come,see the place where the Lord lay".
The resurrection is the basis for hope in the Christian faith. The women who came to the tomb expected to find death. Instead, they met an angel who told them that Jesus had risen. Belief that Jesus rose is the key to the completion of his promise that we will rise also. Believers can experience the Ressurection power in their lives.

Go and tell is the command given to every man and woman who has discovered the power of Christ. It is through the sharing of this good new that we have the power to change the world. We must tell people that the resurrection brings regeneration into the lives of those who are spiritually dead, through the power of the Holy Spirit, bringing about a new birth,changing one from the inside out. This is the basis for the Church's witness to the world. Every believer can share this certainty with confidence.
Of course, a great controversy has always surrounded the Resurrection. Sometime we don't live like he rose with all power. We sometimes tend to not trust that he overcame the world and all of it's temptations,  which in turns hinders our witness to the world. The way we live life is witness that he has risen with all power. Let us live like we believe He got up..

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Behold The Man!

John 19:5 "Then came Jesus forth,wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe. And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man!"

"I am the door, by me if any man enters in he shall be saved. Here we have the greatest event ever recorded in history. A night when the world witnessed the evil in man , and beheld the love of God. A night when the sin of mankind came face to face with the salvation of the world, when all was revealed as they beheld the man. It was the night they crucified my savior.

  This precious lamb of God shedding his blood for the remission of sin, so man could be reconciled back to God. Jesus perfecting his glorious body, preparing a people for his prepared place. Jesus the love of God ,giving us the word of God that we might be led by the spirit of God. A perfect sacrifice for an imperfect people, a lamb without spot and or blemish, taking on the sins of the world; Jesus making himself a curse that we might be free from the curse. Behold the man whipped for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities. Behold the man being led from judgment hall to judgment hall, as they search in him for sins that lied within me.  Behold the  man marched up Golgotha's hill, baring the sins of the world  on his shoulders, he who knew no sin , made to bear our sin that we might have eternal life. Oh Saints behold the man." Behold the man", hung high between heaven and earth, like he is unworthy or either, but the creator of both. Behold the man in the mist of two thieves, separating the old man from the new. Behold the man, God stretch out like a bridge over troubled water, bridging the gap reuniting fallen back to his righteous Father." Behold the man", Gods , Gods word made flesh, mans healing, mans deliverance, mans salvation.

  The work now complete, and Jesus cries with a loud voice, that all the world should hear, a loud voice that his death should be proclaimed out loud to all the world, a loud voice that we may know that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, Jesus cried with a loud voice and gave up the Ghost. And the veil was ripped, Jesus died and behold heavens doors were opened. Jesus gave up the Ghost and the veil was torn, the veil of sin, the flesh which separated man from God now destroyed. Behold the man Jesus, the answered prayers of a dying world; Behold the man, Jesus manna from heaven, bread in a starving land; Behold the man Jesus, Gods mercy on fallen man, Behold the Man, Jesus the way past the flaming cherubim, giving man access to the tree of life. Behold the man, Jesus the Christ, Gods perfect plan of salvation.....

Friday, July 10, 2015

Love's Power

Luke 6:27-28 "But I say unto you which hear,  Love your enemies, do good to them that hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you".

The world  needs a unified love more than anything else, it needs to see a great demonstration of love from a massive multitude of people. Think of the power if all believers came together in a united love sharing the good news of the gospel.

See there are three essentials for men to become believers; First there is the messenger, the person who proclaims the word so that man can believe. Then there must be a message which to proclaim, and since we are Gods messengers, the message we take into the world must be the testimony of God's revelation  to mankind. There also has to be one to proclaiming one message, which will bring about  one belief, that Jesus Christ is Lord. A unified body with a unified message, to bring a unified belief that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. We who confess Jesus Christ as Lord must lay aside our difference, and lift up the one thing that we all have in common, lift up the one thing that matters. Let us put aside our personal agenda's, dividing denominations, religious differences and proclaim Christ and Him crucified. We the many members of this one glorious body coming together proclaim a single message. Come together as one as Christ and the Father are one, one mind ,one heart, one purpose, of one characters and of one love. One body proclaiming Gods only message to a dying world, Christ and him crucified. A body of one, unified that world may know that God sent Jesus into the world, and that through him the world might be saved.

Love is the most powerful weapon we have to use against hate. Love covers a multitude of sins, and it has the power to change hearts and save lives. Let us take on the characteristics of our Father and have love for all we see.

Thursday, July 9, 2015


James 1:12 "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him".

Blessedness belongs to those who endure test, these have faith, and faith is blessed. They have a life which can stand the trials that come upon us, the spiritual life is blessed. They possess uprightness, purity, truth, patience and all of these are blessed things. Blessed is he who endure the trials of life out of love for God.

Many times we only see blessings as material gain. But to receive something which pulls you away from God is not a blessing, rather it is a better job, bigger house, more money etc. If it is interfering with your walk with God it is more of a curse and you should let it go. When a storm causes you to call on the name of the Lord you are blessed and when you come through that storm you are blessed; and when you share your testimony with another you become a blessing. Let us remember the word of God and trust in his promises and seek the blessings of our tribulations and praise God in the mist of our storms. There is a blessing in your tribulations.

Anything that makes you call on the name of the Lord or which drives you to seek the Lord is indeed a blessing.

Monday, July 6, 2015

We Deserved Hell, But........

Romans 3:10-11 "As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God".
The scripture tells us all have sinned, therefore we all deserved Hell but With God's intervention to help us change, we have all have been offered a chance at heaven. Without God our natural nature will always choose to do that which goes against God's word, His will and His way. But it is God's will that we be transformed and repent that we might have everlasting life with Him.
Christ solemnly warned a crowd" Unless you repent you will all likewise perish". But  what is repentance? We rarely hear the word repent anymore, and few understand what it means. Repent refers to a change of heart, a shift in ones thinking, a transformation of purpose with emphasis on modifying one's conduct. Christ came to take away our sins, but we still have our part to do. He didn't come to save us in our sins, but to save us from our sins. True repentance requires both a belief and an action. One has to by faith believe that Christ has died for their sins, and then truly believe they have died to the old man and has been risen new in Christ. But having faith in Jesus is not just simply believing he is our Savior, it is  also believing his message, his promises, and His instructions and then governing ourselves accordingly. Christ once asked" why do you call me Lord, and not do the things which I say"?
We deserved Hell, but Christ died that we might enter Heaven.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Seek Salvation

Luke 24:5 " And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, why seek ye the living among the dead"?

We must seek the Lord while he may be found, but many are looking for Him in all the wrong places. Finding Jesus is not a matter of denomination, the church you attend, or even the pastor/bishop you might serve under. No finding Jesus is a matter of searching our hearts.

Here in our scripture, the women came seeking Jesus, they were asked why seek the living among the dead? Many today still seek Jesus among the dead. See He is not on that cross you wear around your neck, or in the bumper sticker, or fish symbol on your bumper. Jesus is alive, and living in the heart of every one that hears Him knocking and lets Him in. He is alive, He is the living word of God. He is alive in the love shared one to another, alive in the giving and forgiving between two people. Yes we should seek Jesus, but we should not seek the living among the dead. We need to look into our hearts, for He says He is as near to us as our hearts.

Jesus died on a cross for the sin of the world, and rose the third day morning with all power in His hands. Let us seek Him while He might be found with all of our hearts, and then take Him into a dying world that all might know the good news of salvation.

Friday, July 3, 2015

The Cheerful Giver

2 Corinthians 9:7 every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: For God loveth a cheerful giver

This Christian life we have been called to live is one of total surrender. God wants us to give to Him cheerfully and not sparingly. Surrender to Him our whole life that He might be our God and we His people. He said He would withhold no good thing from us, so let us not withhold nothing from Him. Give Him everything and give it cheerfully that you might be blessed abundantly.

God doesn't force His will, word, or way on any of us. Man has the free will to make a choice as to whom he will serve. But man doesn't have the choice of how he will serve. Jesus said you are either for Him or against Him. The word of God says He will spit the lukewarm out of His mouth. God wants us to give to Him willingly and cheerfully. He wants us to give Him our all, and to give Him our everything. We must trust that God can do more with that which we have than we can. No it is not about money, God don't need our money the silver and gold is His. He wants our life and for us to be willing to give it to Him cheerfully. Give it to Him because He paid for it, give it to Him because He knows what is best for us. Give it to Him because he loves us so much that He gave His life for us.

Let us give God our whole heart and let our eyes see his marvelous works in our life. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Blessed is the man who gives his heart to God, than they which take the possessions of the world.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

A Working Faith

Hebrews 11:6 " But without faith it is impossible to please him:for he that cometh to God must believe that he is,and that he is a rewarder of them  that diligently seek him".

Belief in God is not enough;such faith without works is dead.A living faith an active faith is a must, we must be doers of the word and not hearer only, decieving ourselves.We must demonstrate our faith by walking in God's word and trusting in his promises.Abraham's dynamic example shows what living faith in God really is.Abraham not only believed in God, but he also believed what God said and followed what God commanded.This is the way we must live to live a life pleasing to God.

Putting God first requires faith and sacrifice,as Christians we are face with trials and suffering just as Jesus and the disciples did.Such suffering is not unusual,almost everyone suffers in one way or another. But God's servants understand that their trials and suffering;can help them build and strengthen their character.They know "all things work together for good to those who love God,to those who are the called according to His purpose".

Those who have faith in God's faithfulness, are confident they can trust Him to act on their behalf.They know that when He intervenes in their trials to deliever them,His intervention will be in their best interest according to His purpose.They trust God's wisdom and fairness and are willing to suffer to prove it.You either trust God or you don't.Believe in the faithfulness of God and live a life that is pleasing in His sight.Jesus will never fail