Matthew 15:8 "This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me".
We Live in a very self-absorbed society where we have to work to stay away from self centeredness we see around us everyday. We escape through true worship of Jesus. The word "worship" these days can conjure up images of a multi-piece worship band with hundreds of singers in a mega church setting. True worship however can only be done in spirit and in truth. Many today claim to be in worship of Lord but in actuality, they are just part of an organized religious ritual. Can God truly be worshipped if one has hatred in their hearts?
Jesus said the people draw near to him with their mouth, and honor him with their lips. We must be careful not to talk about a relationship with Christ, without living like we have a relationship with Him. We should worship God with our life, our whole life and every part of our life should be a sacrifice unto the Lord. Paul said present your body a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God. With all that Christ has done for us, should he be happy with the few hours a week we spend in the ritualistic exercise that we call worship. Jesus is the Son of the living God, the power of God, given to man and given for man, the door which allows us entrance into the kingdom of God. He is our way to the throne room, the keeper of the flock, the blood by which we are made the righteousness of God, the perfect sacrifice for an imperfect people, and we must be careful not to pass off an outward show of scheduled entertainment as worship. God deserves better than that.
Remember Mary worshipped the Lord, by covering him with expensive oil. Now it wasn't the fact that the oil was expensive that mattered. It was the fact that she worshipped him by sacrificing the best that she had and with all she had. She felt there was nothing to good for the Lord. Can you say that you are giving the Lord all and the best that you have? Are you worshipping Him with all your heart or is it just lip service.
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