Can Christ be seen in your life? Now I'm not talking about people seeing you with a bible or dressed up on Sunday morning going to church. No I'm asking can Christ the person, be seen in your life?Yes we all can talk about Jesus, but can the world see what we say. We all shout hallelujah, but is the life we are living a hallelujah life. Can the deaf man see what the blind man hears? If a stranger sees you on Monday, will they see the Christian the church heard on Sunday?
David says "Oh magnify the Lord with me". To magnify means to make bigger, in order to be seen clearly. Now being a musician he didn't say let's amplify the Lord, which means to make louder. We are to live a life that puts Jesus on display. John said we must decrease and allow Christ to increase in our lives. Does your life produce the fruit of the spirit? Can the love of God be seen in your treatment and acceptance of others. Does his mercy show when others falsely accuse you. Is his longsuffering present in your dealings with the lost of this world. Are you kind, giving, and forgiving to all that you see? David said magnify the Lord, let him be seen in all that you do. Let His love reign in your heart. Let His mercy fill your speech, and your hands be full of His giving. Magnify the Lord and let us exalt His name together. It is when the world can see Christ in your life that He is exalted. If you truly want to praise the Lord, live a life before man that will lead a lost soul to Jesus.
Many have gotten caught up in the "worship" and have left out the Lord.We spend more time trying to show the world we are saved, that we sometimes over shadow the one who saves. Let us make sure we magnify the Lord with how live before man that there is no doubt in our praise. Let us make Jesus the biggest part of our life. Let us be truly hid with Christ in God, that all the world can see is the Christ in us, that a lost soul might be saved.
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