Monday, February 7, 2011

God and God Alone

Ezekiel 20:19 "I am the Lord your God; walk in my statues, and keep my judgments,and do them"

Are you serving God and God alone?Idolatry occurs when something natural is given sacred value and power.John told believers to "keep themselves from idols."If we are not careful, we can begin turning to other gods, whether we realize it or not.We can begin to serve, worship and make sacrifices, to whoever or what ever energizes and controls our lives. On Wall street, money can become a god. Those in Government or business may worship power.In a great university, knowledge is on the throne. To those of us who live a simple life, we fine we put more thought, effort and sacrifice in our jobs,(we are at work on time but might be late to church all the time.),Children,or spouse (always seeking to be our best for them ,but God gets what ever, but he understands?),and even the material blessing God has bestowed upon us we sometimes have more trust in, and care for. Acquisition of things can also be an act of worship to some.

How can you reconize the objects of your worship that are not God? well how would you answer these questions:(you can be honest, nobody else will know and God already knows.)
1)Whom do I trust for final answers?
2)Where do I seek for ultimate truth?
3)Where do I look for security and happiness?
4)Who is in charge of my future?

Ancient idol worshipers tried to fashion images to represent their gods.Are people today still trying to make gods who are glorified versions of themselves? Do we worship what we can do ourselves, or the names and titles we give ourselves,forgetting who has provided us with everything, even our very lives? Do you refer to the church as your church, is it your ministry, does it bear your name, or the name of Jesus; does the title by which you are called give glory to you or does it bring glory to God.Have you become an Idol of worship in your life and the life of others, unaware?

Often, when a car doesn't steer correctly, the driver needs to have it realigned at the repair shop.Those of us who have wandered from the right paths frequently need attitude realignment.Worshipers of money, power, or possessions can come back to God only by reestablishing correct priorities, which put the Lord's will first in their lives. Think about who or what you may be putting before God intentionally, or unintentionally,instead of placing God first in your life.What priorities need to be realigned? Are you ready to truly trust in a loving sovereign God.It must be God and God alone.


  1. Saints we must guard against making gods out of the things that God has blessed us with.It must be God and God alone

  2. anything we put before God,we have made that to be our god,be it family,be it our spouces,be it our jobs,even ourselves,we are told to seek ye first,the kingdom of God and his righteousness,then all these things shall be added unto you,God knows that there are things that have a place in our lives,but we must understand order,I cant be the father my children need,I cant be the husband my wife needs,I cant be the employee my job needs unless I give God the first place in my life.

    Rev.Dennis Williams
