Friday, April 1, 2011

Called and Committed

Luke 9:62 " No one ,having put his hand to the plow, and looking back is fit for the kingdom God"

Saints God called us from the darkness into his marvelous light,that we might be a light upon a hill that all in darkness might seek his marvelous light.But Saints are we committed to the cause, are we fit for the kingdom of God? Baptism represents the most important commitment we can make. It signifies our willingness to surrender our lives fully and completely to our creator, putting to death our old self and rising from a watery grave to live a new and transformed life.Since this decision is such a major commitment, the scripture tells us not to take it lightly.

In a series of parables in (Luke 14:27-32) Jesus tells us to count up the cost.He used two examples to illustrate His point that we must count the cost,reconize and acknowledge the consequences of our commitment.First he used the example of someone starting an expensive and time consuming building project. He noted that no one should begin such an endeavor without first determining that he can follow through on that commitment.In the second example, He likened our commitment to a decision to go to war.To initate a long, drawnout struggle in which we will face repeated hardship, setbacks,and defeats. Are we willing to remain faithful and committed to that struggle to the end.Saint this is a Life long journey , not a once a week Sunday morning gathering.

Our commitment according to Jesus must be total,for he said whosoever does not forsake all,cannot be his disciple(Luke 14:33)The commitment He expects from us is great indeed, but the reward is even greater. And we have the promise of God's help, for he said "I'll never leave you nor forsake you". We must carefully consider the cost before we are baptized. Once we repent,accept Jesus' sacrifice,are baptized and receive God's Spirit there is no turning back. Jesus tells us we must not waver in our commitment.When we waver over whether to follow Christ or not, Jesus said we are not fit for the Kingdom of God.

God offers us a future so glorious that the challenges and trials we face in pursuit of it are miniscule in comparison.So Stand committed and be fit for the Kingdom of God....

1 comment:

  1. Saint let us run on to see what the end is going to be
