Sunday, September 25, 2011

God is in Control

Proverbs 29:25 "The fear of man bringeth a snare:but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe".

God is in charge, but you might ask ,has God let everything in the world"go to the dogs"?Sin is rampant!However,this kind of chaos existed in previous times.Remember Noah? Sodom and Gomorrah?No matter how it appears,God is still in charge.God's perfect plan is moving right along on schedule. One day Jesus will return,take all believers to heaven,mete out judgment for unbelievers,and a new heaven will be established.What we are experiencing now is only tempory.In the meantime,God offers us life instructions about how to stay close to Him,while the rest of the world pulls away from Him,and thinks Christians are foolish.

In the unjust world we live in ,it is sometimes tempting to think"what I do doesn't make a difference". But wisdom is sometimes about letting things go,but often it is about doing the hard thing in the world that is not following God.One of the hard things is confronting a difficut situation with love,kindness, and compassion with the intent to build someone up and not to tear them down.We must learn to trust that God can help us with this matter.We must trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not to our own understanding.If we say that God is always in control we must believe he is in control when things are bad and when things are good.Just trust and believe.

Let us not fear what man might think say or do, but let us be mindful in all things ,that it is God who truly takes care of you.As Peter said" we ought to obey God and not man".

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