Jude 24"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,to the only wise God our Savior,be glory and majesty, dominion and power,both now and ever.Amen".
We must beware of wolves in sheeps clothing.Jude wrote a short but powerful letter about the problem of false teachers,swaying Christians from the Gospel. He told believers to remember the words of Jesus concerning the last days.See the ungodly teachers of the false faith promote a make believe religion,full of immoral living standards which defile and deny the things of God.They practice feeding off the flock instead of feeding the flock.They often tear down and destroy rather than build up and restore. But let us look to Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith.
Let us have mercy for the doubters:True believers should build each other up,so we must hold tight to the true Gospel and continue to move forward in the faith.The sincere convert humbly bows in prayer and ask for the Holy Spirit's guidance and influence. They eagerly expect the mercy of Christ now and in the life to come, and we must show mercy to them and thus save them from the fires of hell.The who have received God's mercy needs to be compassionate to doubters who stumble and straggle behind. Be patient with those who are hesitant about the faith.We who have been born again of Christ must be kind hearted and tender, not prideful, pushy, or harsh.Our faith should result in us having a desire to live a holy life. We should be repulsed by sin, even while trying to rescue those that have fallen into it.We must hate the sin but love and show mercy to those that have been trapped by it.We all have opportunities to respond to people with encouragement. When they come let us leave them with hope, and confidence by sharing with them what God shared with us,Jesus.
We must beware of wolves in sheeps clothing.Jude wrote a short but powerful letter about the problem of false teachers,swaying Christians from the Gospel. He told believers to remember the words of Jesus concerning the last days.See the ungodly teachers of the false faith promote a make believe religion,full of immoral living standards which defile and deny the things of God.They practice feeding off the flock instead of feeding the flock.They often tear down and destroy rather than build up and restore. But let us look to Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith.
Let us have mercy for the doubters:True believers should build each other up,so we must hold tight to the true Gospel and continue to move forward in the faith.The sincere convert humbly bows in prayer and ask for the Holy Spirit's guidance and influence. They eagerly expect the mercy of Christ now and in the life to come, and we must show mercy to them and thus save them from the fires of hell.The who have received God's mercy needs to be compassionate to doubters who stumble and straggle behind. Be patient with those who are hesitant about the faith.We who have been born again of Christ must be kind hearted and tender, not prideful, pushy, or harsh.Our faith should result in us having a desire to live a holy life. We should be repulsed by sin, even while trying to rescue those that have fallen into it.We must hate the sin but love and show mercy to those that have been trapped by it.We all have opportunities to respond to people with encouragement. When they come let us leave them with hope, and confidence by sharing with them what God shared with us,Jesus.
Jude's final word was, don't worry about falling.God is more than capable of keeping you standing blameless and tall in His presence. Able to keep you joyfully shouting, singing,and praising Him for sending His son, Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith.It is Jesus who deserves all glory, power,majesty,and authority now and forever.Let us look to Jesus and be saved........
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