John 3:16 tells us that God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son that the world might be saved.But did you know He did it for you?God so loved you ,that He sent His son to die that you might have life everlasting.The object of God's love is not yours but you.
God wants you,not to make you a slave to some religious rules.Many have become slaves to religious triditions,brought about by the imagination of man.They live in a fear and superstition,abusing their bodies walking around with long faces, like being a Christian is such a burden.Christianity should and does produce joy,unspeakable joy.It puts happiness in the heart and a smile on the faces of all who have entered the rest of the Lord.We are to be of good cheer ,for our savior has overcome the world and all that is in and of it.It is you that God is seeking.God wants you, to bring you to Christ because you need to be saved.For all have sinned and come short of God's glory.God wants you,because there is none righteous,no not one.God wants you, for all like sheep,have been lead astray by the deception of the evil one.God wants you to live a glorious life with Him in a garden paradise.
God wants you,He dosn't need you to provide for Him,for the Father will provide for the children,His love is for you,and not yours.He wants you, that you might have an abundant life.He is not interested in yours,for all belongs to Him and He will provide your every need.No He wants you,He wants you to realize that salvation is your greatest need.That salvation is only complete in Christ Jesus.That you are invited to receive Him by faith.He wants you, that you may live a happy victorious life beginning now.Will you answer His call for YOU?
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