Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Can God Use you?

Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord,saying,Whom shall I send,and who will go for us?then said I,Here am I; send me.

God is good and His mercy endureth forever,but I ask the question, can God use you? Now He used a prostitute, a drunk, a liar,a old man,a deciever, a murderer,a virgin,a fisherman,tax collector,a child, a sinner,and many others who were not worthy, but I ask can God use you?

We have been called out of darkness into His marvelous light that we might be the light upon the hill, the salt of the earth,ambassordors for Christ,that a world lost in darkness might come to know Jesus the light of the world.But the question remains can God use you? Are you available for God to use you.We all like to think we are willing to be used by God,but the truth is many are not.We never seem to have or be willing to make time for the things of God.We want to do things our way and in our time.We will witness, but only to those we want to.We will serve Him,but only when we want, and the way we want.We will live for Him ,but at our convience.We will praise Him as long as it is only with a hand praise or a shout,not if it means changing our life.So the question is before us,can we be used by God? Look in the mirror and let us be truly honest with ourselves,(after all God knows the real truth).Can we say like Isaiah "Here am I send me".

In our story God ask the question, who can He send,who will go out in His name and do His will,and Isaiah said "Here am I send me".I'm right here right now I'll go.God is still asking, Who will go out and stand for Him,who will proclaim His truths. Who will go out into all the world and proclaim the good news of the gospel to a lost and dying world.Can He send you? Are you willing to surrender all and be used by the Lord?Are you willing to go through all that will come before you, to do all God calls you to do?Can God really use you?

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