Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Cycle Of Death

James 1:14-15 "but every man is tempted,when he is drawn away of his own lust,and enticed.Then when lust hath concieved,it bringeth forth sin:and sin,when it is finished,bringeth forth death."

There was a commercial on T.V. that said "I do coke so I can work real hard to buy more coke so I can work real hard."Just a dangerous cycle that can only have one ending, death.That is what a life of sin is,it is a cycle of death.But through the love of God we can now leave this cycle of death.God wants to live among His people.But due to our fallen nature there are lusts and desires we choose to surround ourselves in, that keeps God on the outside of our lives.Sin doesn't rush in and over take us,it is invited in. It is first a simple suggestion,then it becomes a strong imagination,then a delight, then it is accepted.In other words, sin at first does not necessarily appear disgusting to us.In fact sin frequently fascinates us and appeals to our fallen nature. Unless we immediately flee from it, we can easily get caught up in the grips of sin.We must reconize it for what it is, a rebillion against God.

Despite God's faithfulness to His people,time and time again, we turn away from him and worship and serve the Idols we have built in our lives.We reject God and embrace the lust of the flesh and the worldly desires that appeal to our carnal nature.Though the Idols and the packaging of sin may appear different than it did to the Israelites,its basic nature is still the same.Sin can hide and disguise itself so that it becomes so beautiful to look at, so wonderful to touch, and so sweet to taste, yet the end there of is still death.Idols today are still made of wood,stone,and metal, but we call them houses,money, cars and the biggest Idol is the god we've made out of flesh,ourself.As the writer of Hebrews said, its always tempting to "enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season". In many forms and guises,sin still allures and entices us, it charms us to do its bidding, by offering to satisfy desires that are pleasurable to us, but violate God's truth and His commandments.

Once sin has won one victory in our lives,it will be even more persistent in securing greater victories. Therefore,we give it power over our lives every time we surrender to it, until sin no longer has to hide its true hideous nature.But by then we are already firmly locked in its grip.Let us not dabble in sin and fall into its pitfalls and complete the Circle of death.But if we find that we have fallen to sin, the good news is we have Jesus The Christ,the power of God to break this cycle of death.

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