Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Do You Love The Lord?

John 14:15 " If you love me, keep my commandments"

Do you really love the Lord? Now of course all of us would say yes, and the truth is we all truly believe we do. But do you love Him more than your spouse? Is your commitment to Him greater than that to your job? Do you have as much trust in Him as you do your bank accounts? Do you spend as much time with Him as you do with your car? If we were really honest we would see that there are other things in our life that tend to come before Jesus.

When it comes to the things which we deem important or dear to us how do they stack up with our love for Jesus. When it comes to our spouse, If you treated you spouse like you do the Lord, giving them the same attention, care, and time spent would they feel you loved them? If they show their love to you like you show your love to Christ would you feel loved? If you went to work the way we attend Church would we still have a job after a month or so of being late all the time. Would you still have a car if you paid the note like we pay our tithes, giving them what we feel like and not what we owe. The bank account gets more attention than the bible and it is guarded closer than we guard our hearts, yet we feel we really love the Lord.

In all honesty we actually live our lives based on God's love for us, more than our love for Him. Jesus tells us if we love Him to keep His commandments; which are to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart soul and mind, and to love our neighbor as yourself . Let us begin to make a conscience effort to give the Lord and the things of the Lord the same attention and energy as we do the things of this world we say we love, that a lost soul might follow us to Jesus the Savior of the world.

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