Ephesians 5:11 "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them".
Directions on how to live in this world are very needful and God instructs us on how to live through His word. In this life we will constantly come in contact with the ungodly and the non- believers, it is unavoidable. But we are taught to not walk in their counsel, if it means becoming partakers of their evil deeds. Here in this text we have three truths mentioned, evil works are unfruitful; they are works of darkness; and they deserve reproof. We must have no fellowship with them in any manner.
What is forbidden? fellowship with the works of darkness. Now this fellowship can manifest its self in many ways. It can be by personally committing sins or by joining with others in doing wrong. It can come by teaching one to do wrong in word or by action. By constraining, commanding, or even tempting one to do wrong; by threat, request, or persuasion. We can provoke someone, or neglect to rebuke ones wrong doing at the start, leading them to think we are in agreement with their actions. We must be careful not to make sin feel welcome in our life, by our commending, defending and excusing the wrong already done, and fighting those who would expose, denounce and punish it. We must be careful not to tolerate even the smallest amount of wrong doing in our lives. We must be above any kind of reproach, not to let our good be evil spoken of , remember a little leaven corrupts the whole loaf.
We must reprove the ways of darkness and those who would walk in that darkness. We must declare its wrong, and our hatred of it, with conviction. We must reprove sin , convict hearts to convert souls to win the lost to Christ.A man lost in darkness will follow any one out of the darkness, who not only has a light but will turn it on. If you get comfortable in the darkness, you may never turn on the light to lead others out of the darkness. It is our duty to be clear of another man's sin; as a imitator of God and his child, and as one who has come out of the darkness into the marvelous light of the Lord.
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