Monday, February 16, 2015

Who Is He ....

Mark 8:29 "and he saith unto them, but whom say he that I Am? And Peter answereth and saith unto him, Thou art the Christ."

By the time Jesus asked this question of the disciples, He had calmed the sea, exorcised demons, raised a young girl from the dead, and fed over 5,000. Rumors about who he was ran rampant. One day Jesus pulled his disciples aside and asked, who do men say that I am? The disciples responded that the people thought he was John the Baptist, Elijah, or one of the prophets who had come back from the dead.

Then Jesus asked, But whom say ye that I am? Who is He and what is He to you? Is Christ your Lord and Savior? Is He truly your all in all, or is He more like your spare tire. Do you acknowledge Him in all your ways or do you call upon Him when your way has failed and you need a way out. We must be careful not to say Jesus is one thing but then live our life as though He Is something different altogether. If He is your all in all, live like He is your all in all.
 When we confess Jesus is the Christ with our lips, we should also believe this in our hearts, and thus live it out in our life. So I ask Who is He and what Is He to you? 

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