John 15:1 "I am the true vine, and my father is the husbandman."
Here we have Jesus facing the most terrible scene in all human history. The Son of God about to be murdered at the hands of man. Jesus had came to save all mankind, and yet few were responding. Even his inner circle was starting to fall apart. One would betray him, one would deny him, even to the point of swearing, and the rest would abandon him. Then there was the religious leaders who were rejecting him, all claimed to know God, yet them cried with one loud voice "crucify him." With all this on his mind, he recalled the vine God so often described in the old testament.
On the night of his arrest and trial, Jesus shared an image that truly illustrates his relationship with all who will believe.He refers to himself as the vine. Jesus said he is the "true vine". This implies that there are counterfeit vines that believers are not to become attached to. We are fruitful branches when our lives reveal a vital link with Christ. Like branches that are pruned by a gardener, the Lord works on His people so that their lives might be more productive. When we trust in Christ, we experience a cleansing from sin, but God will continue to transform our behavior, by molding it after the Savior's teaching and image. Only those who abide in Jesus will produce good fruit that will last.
The purpose of the branches is to remain united to Jesus and bear much fruit. We can do nothing without him, our Growth, development, and maturity all comes from our relationship with Christ. Jesus brought the love of God to the world, and after his ascension, the mission of making God's love known to the world, is our responsibility. Jesus love is the foundation of everything we do, and the image of everything we are. When we obey what Jesus has commanded, we remain in his love, and abide in him. Let us share Christ with the world, as the Father has shared him with us.
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