Matthew 26:22"And they were exceeding sorrowful, and begin every one of them to say unto him, Lord is it I?"
Here they are at the Lord supper, and the Lord says "one of you shall betray me", the Lords inner circle, his twelve, hand picked by him, and one would betray him. They were troubled to know their master would be betrayed, and it troubled them even more to know one of them would do it. They were troubled most of all, that they didn't know which one it was; each afraid for himself, and they asked "Lord is it I". They didn't point fingers at each other, or place blame on one another; they didn't say Lord is it Peter, John or James, they each asked "Lord is it I".
Are you guilty of betraying the Lord of glory? Do you in fact profess Him with your lips but with your heart serve and worship another? We must examine our relationship with the Lord daily. We should look within our self and search for the things which can hinder our relationship with Christ. Look within for things we might have elevated above the Lord, things that have begun to replace our time to study His word, or do His will. Then we must eliminate them or put them in there proper place. There should be nothing in our life which comes before our relationship with God. We should be absolutely sure as to where we stand with Christ. Salvation is real, and the choices we make are eternal. Have you with all sincerity of heart, examined your relationship with the Lord? Do you still have the same fire for study and worship you once had or have other things began to take precedence over your time for God? Have you began to let the worries of this world occupy your prayer life? Have you ask the question " Lord is it I "
Sometimes we get so comfortable in who we think we are in Christ we can push Him to the side as everything else becomes more important than He is. Let us examine ourselves daily to be sure Christ is first in our day not just our life..
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