John 3:14 "and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up:"
Here is the glorious invitation to all mankind, to come to the Lord and be saved. Here is God calling His people to assemble themselves together from among the ways of this world and lift up Jesus that those in darkness might be drawn to Him and be saved. His desire is that all turn from sin and return unto Him. He is both a just God and a willing Savior to all who will come. Here we have the way for all to come, If we lift up Jesus, that will draw all men unto Him. He and He alone is God's perfect plan of salvation.
There is only one who can save. And as Moses lifted up the serpent to save all who looked upon it when bitten by the fiery serpents in the wilderness, Jesus saves all who have been bitten by sin and look up to Him for salvation. Look at the glory on the cross; Christ and Him crucified. The world was crucified, as he took on the sins of the world, like a felon executed upon the cross. The believer crucified, as we by faith accept the death of the Savior and walk in a newness of life. Knowing that our old man of sin is crucified with Christ, and the body of sin is destroyed, that from now on we should not serve sin. Let us glory in the light seen at the cross, and tell the world that Jesus died that we might have everlasting life.
Let us look to Jesus in all that we do, He and He alone is the answer to the prayers of mankind. He and He alone is our help from the Lord. He is all and in all. Look to Jesus and be saved. Through His death we have life.
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