In our need for self gratification, it is easy for us to get lost in regards to the mission which we have been called to.God called us into His ministry, that we might be His servants to do His will, building His kingdom. It is not about who we are ,but whose we are. The title we wear means nothing, it is the work that we have been called to do that will change the world.
Here we have Paul, now with all that he accomplished he says he is a servant of Jesus Christ. In fact he often refered to himself as a bond servant or slave for Christ. He never refered to himself as Rev. Paul or Pastor Paul or even the apostle Paul, he was just a servant of the Lord. Paul realized it wasn't about him, or the position he had, but it was simply about Christ and Him crucified. He was just a unworthy vessel, called to be an apostle, separated for the purpose of spreading the good news of the gospel. Paul used every opportunity he had to proclaim the salvation of the Lord. Rather in bonds or free his message was the same, Jesus christ and Him crucified. He had to preach the gospel, for he was a prisoner of the gospel. He new it was the gospel that saved him, kept him, protected him, and provided all that he needed. He knew it was the power of God unto salvation.
It is not about us being saved. The world don't care what position or titles we hold. The sinner can't be saved because we have fancy degrees in various religious studies that allow us to call ourselves these fancy names and hold important positions.The only thing that we have that matters, the only thing we have that can save a lost soul, is the good news about Jesus Christ. Let us just be called servants for the Lord, and hear the word "well done my good and faithful servant".
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