Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Lip Service

Matthew 15:8 "This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; But their heart is far from me".

We see the Lord says that many draw near to Him with lip service, but our hearts are far from Him. We say we love the Lord but in fact we really love the things that we receive from God. We have begun to worship the blessings more than the one who has  blessed us.

We must be careful not to confuse surrendering our lives to Christ with surrendering it to the things of this world. He said we follow Him because the things we receive not for the truth of the word. It is easy to say let go and let God, but to do this we must truly let go. We have to be willing to let go of everything and everyone. We must be willing to let go of family, friends, material gain, jobs, and most importantly, we must let go of self and our will. Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell everything, give it to the poor, take up his cross and follow; and this is where we lose so many. We must let it go and let God give us that he wants us to have, according to his will, not our want.

Love is a action word, and when we say we love the Lord it should be seen in our action. We should show our love one for another. The world should see how we care for the widows orphans and the fatherless. we should be a walking example of the Lord from God to a dying world. Those in darkness should see our light. The world should be able to see Christ in us and the life we live.

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