The sad fact remains that this is not God's world.God's kingdom is still not of this world,as Jesus Christ made clear in Jn.18:36. Who is the god of this age?He is none other than Satan,he is the worlds ruler. Jesus said (in Jn 12:31) "the ruler of this world will be cast out".Although we cannot see Satan, his influence on the world is pervasive.The result of the devils influence is that before conversion,we all conducted ourselves in the lust of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and we were by nature children of wrath.Satan spiritually influences us to reject God and God's words.Under Satan's influences the carnal mind is enmity against God. Separated from God we choose to go our own way,with devastating and tragic results."There is a way that seems right to a man,but its end is the way of death".
Satan's influences is so great that he "deceives the whole world".The entire world lies under the sway of the wicked one.Under Satan influences man has rejected God's revelation and with his vain thinking has started worshiping that which is from his own imagination.He has built societies,civilizations,and even religion on the wrong foundation.God's kingdom is one built on the foundation of Love, but man has chosen to build his on a monetary success driven foundation."For the love of money is the root of all evil", yet man in his limited canal thinking has built everything around the haves and the have not. We no longer love our neighbor as we love ourselves ,cause we are in competition with our neighbor.So there is no sharing, or watching out one for another , we no longer have that "if i got it you got it" attitude. It is more like I got mind better get your own mentality.We have mega churches worth millions of dollar and many of their members can't even pay there bills.
We must be careful not to be blinded from the light by the trick and wiles of the devil.Satan's world built on a foundation of lies and deception will come crashing down.The light of God's truth will conquer the deception of Satan darkness and expose all that are hiding under the cover of said darkness. Jesus died on a cross and rose with all power, that we might walk in his marvelous light and be a light on a hill for all who are blinded from the light trapped in darkness.We who was once blind and now see, must do all that we can to help others to see the truth of God's word.If we are children of the light ,let us walk in the light, "for God is light and in him is no darkness at all".
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