Many believe there is a God,many have confessed that Jesus is the Son of God,but do they know the scriptures or the power of God? I ask this question not to question any ones walk with Christ or the relationship they profess to have with Him.No I ask this question that we might examine ourselves and see, does the life we live coincide with the life we profess?
The point is ,how can we lead a lost world to the truth of God's word when we who profess Him walk outside of His word.Come on let us be honest with ourselves,How many are shacking up with our girlfriends/boyfriends?This goes against God's word yet we still do it.Why?How many of us profess living one way on facebook ,while having a totally different life in the real world.How many of us regularly attend bible study and sunday school, not just attending but preparing to go, and being on time.How many make God's word important in the home,I mean where you make your children study it like you ,make them study their regular school work.Where they see you actually studing His word. Jesus said our mistake is in not knowing the scriptures,nor the power of God,but we don't attend bible study or sunday school;many don't even open the bible until the preacher gives them the text for the day, and thats only if they remember to bring their bible to church. We are being destroyed for a lack of knowledge,we are unaware of the power of God because we don't know the scriptures.
We say God can do anything ,yet we live defeated lives like He can do nothing.We tell the drunk or dope addict that God can deliever them from their addictions, yet we live like He can't deliever us from our shortcomings. Jesus rose with all power,and it is sad that we don't live as though we know He has all power.We sometimes live as lost believers.
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