Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Purchased For A Purpose

1 Corinthians 6:20 "For ye are bought with a price:therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit,which are God's".

Paul in this letter to the Corinthians,used some very pointed language in an effort to make people see that they were not the Christians they should be(read verses 9-11).He deals with the fact that the Corinthians were indulging in, and giving pre-eminence to the desires and lust of the flesh. Way too many who profess Christ today,give in to the lust and desires of the flesh,denying the power of God to keep them.

We are a purchased possession.The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit,the spirit of God is to dwell in the temple of man.We are not our own,we can't do as we will with this body,it no longer belongs to us.God purchased it with the life and blood of His only begotten Son.We were bought with a price,one that no man could pay or repay.Now this body is the property of Christ,to do as He wills,we are just trustees of this earthen vessel.We are to use it wisely and to bring glory to God,by leading lost souls to the salvation of the Lord.So let us live a life of obedience and submit to the will of God, and do His will.Nothing hurts God more than direct disobedience.

Remember! God will allow you to do as you please.Even to your sorrow and destruction,you are the loser not God.God wants us to do His will,and thereby receive blessing for ourself and bring Him glory.

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