Thursday, November 12, 2015

Captivated by Confusion

There are many In the house of God who are lost. Lost to who God is and what He has called us to do. Jesus died to save us from sin yet we tend to believe He is alright with our sinful life style as long as we come to church. We are lost in the house of God.

There are a great many people, who enter church houses around the world to worship and praise God, but who have no ideal they are lost. They are lost in the church. And so there are  many who stay lost outside the church. Over the last ten years or so it seems that God has called a vast number of Apostles, Bishops, Pastors, and Prophets, and yet sin is running more ramped than ever before, and the sad thing is a lot of the trouble is coming out of the church house. We are lost; lost in religion and religious rituals, lost in mans traditions and in denominations, lost in church leadership, seeking to be part of the who's who of religious circles, lost in positions and titles, busy with church business, but lost to the business of the Church.  We are the body not the head, we are servants, called out and separated to do the will of God, to go out into the world and preach Christ and him crucified.
We can get lost trying to convince the world of who we are, that we forget to tell them about who Jesus is. The lost in this world don't need to know who we are ,but they need to know who Jesus is; they don't need to know we are saved, but they need to know the savior.

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