Everything is new,John did his best to put into words his vision of the new heaven and earth.There is nothing representing this old life there upsetting God's perfect peace.John saw Jerusalem,the holy city, comming down from heaven, made beautiful like a bride, adorned in wisdom and holiness,prepared to meet her groom, Jesus Christ. In this new city a thunderous voice says, Look! God is here,dwelling with his people in this city. A prepared place for a prepared people, no un-righteous ness,no more tears, no death, crying, or pain,everything is new.
God not only wants us to be saved to eternal life with him,but he also wants us to be holy now as well. This means in believing in him as our Lord and Savior, this belief must bring about an action,one that leads us to live our lives differently.Faith without works,(or proof of that faith) is dead.With salvation we should experience new feelings of hope, joy, and being loved.But there must also be a change when one becomes a new creature in Christ.As Paul told the Corinthians,if anyone is in Christ,he is a new creature;the old has gone,the new has come!We shouldn't be the same as we now have a new nature, a new heaven(spirit) now abides in us,making a new earth(flesh).This new spiritual life now controls the old fleshly life, for Jesus has power over all flesh. John said those who are truly born again,those born of the spirit of God, who persevere through the trails and tribulations of this world, will inherit eternal life in the new world.
However,John also saw in his vision that nothing old, sinful, and corrupt will enter the new Jerusalem. Those who cowardly deny Christ or who continue in sinful practices such as lying,sexual immorality, and following the occult have not been reborn and will not spend eternity with the Father, but will be eternally separated from him.Their "first death" will be a physical one,from this earth,but their second death will be in a lake of burning sulphur.Spiritual renewal is not easy, but it can be accomplished by relying on the Holy Spirit. He guides us and transforms us as we cooperate with him. The first step is repentence and submission to Him. He will then guide us through the process of pursuing holiness when we allow him to cleanse and renew our minds.The process of renewal is like changing to new clothes. We all like new clothes,but when we have them, we need to get rid of the old ones.The Holy Spirit will help us change clothes if we let Him.......
However,John also saw in his vision that nothing old, sinful, and corrupt will enter the new Jerusalem. Those who cowardly deny Christ or who continue in sinful practices such as lying,sexual immorality, and following the occult have not been reborn and will not spend eternity with the Father, but will be eternally separated from him.Their "first death" will be a physical one,from this earth,but their second death will be in a lake of burning sulphur.Spiritual renewal is not easy, but it can be accomplished by relying on the Holy Spirit. He guides us and transforms us as we cooperate with him. The first step is repentence and submission to Him. He will then guide us through the process of pursuing holiness when we allow him to cleanse and renew our minds.The process of renewal is like changing to new clothes. We all like new clothes,but when we have them, we need to get rid of the old ones.The Holy Spirit will help us change clothes if we let Him.......
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