Paul's last visit to the church at Ephesus was punctuated with the warning," Your soul is now in your own hands"..."You have not heeded the Gospel"..."My hands are clean,my conscience is clear"..."I have told you the whole truth without compromise".......
See Paul had told them the whole truth about the righteousness of God,the love of God, the patience of God,and also the wrath of God,for he had proclaimed to them Christ and Him crucified.He told them the whole truth about sin,it is not a simple error that will be overlooked in ignorance.It has regrets,it is a transgression to the law of God and it breaks His heart.The truth that all sinners are condemed before God.How it destroys body and soul,and it is a condition of man and a act of man.It is an unredeemed condition of the soul, and a willful act of the individual.He told the the whole truth about death and Hell.Death is not the end but it can come without warning.It closes the curtain on God's mercy, and it can be both physical and spiritual.Hell like death is an unpleasant subject,but rather we like it or not, it is the destination of many because they refuse to submit to the Lord of Glory.
Then he told the whole truth about Salvation,the supreme need of every individual.It is a free gift to all provided through the love of God.Completed by the Son of God on Calvary.Available only through Jesus Christ. Secured only through faith,and kept by the power of God.Here we have all the truth,what will you do with it?