We live in a time where religion is big business.It is said that religion raises billions of dollars yearly. We are in the age of the mega church, the world famous preacher and the multiplatium chiors.In a time when it seems like anything is acceptable in God's house and from God's people and that God is o.k. with it all.We seem to be more concerned about the collection plate than we are the souls which Christ died for.
We who profess Christ are in fact telling the world that we are like Christ.That we bear His image ,His likeness, His character, His love, mercy, giving and forgiving, yet some of the actions we display are nothing at all like Christ.We have turned His house from one of prayer to a money making operation.We no longer feed the flock but we tend to feed off the flock.Jesus came to seek and to save the lost,yet we seem to be more interested in raising money than we are in saving souls.We must be careful not to be like Peter who denied Christ in favor of being like the crowd,or those who allowed the crowd to pursuade them to seek barabas and kill Jesus, when moments before they were shouting Hosana in the highest.Let us not get so caught up in the crowd that we lose track of who we proclaim to be.
God's word tells us not to follow the crowd to do evil,and don't pervert that which is right by siding with the crowd.We must be willing to stand alone,remember Christ as the suffering servant stood alone. The crowd is not always right, remember "narrow is the way and few that be that find it".When we profess to be Christ like, we must accept the whole Christ, the crucified Lord and the risen Savior. Many want the joys of Christ ,but are unwilling to endure the suffering of Christ.So stand for what is right ,even if you must stand alone.
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