This six chapter of John records the feeding of the 5000;the miracle of Jesus walking on the water..The next day people came seeking Jesus.Their motives were wrong.Jesus warned them against worldliness and offered them spiritual food,"My father giveth you the true bread from Heaven,for I am the bread of life."After this many went back and walked with Him no more.Have you stopped walking with Jesus?
We should look at the crowd following Jesus and the attitude that drove them.Some out of curiosity, many today seek the Lord not for salvation but they are curious about all they have heard about Him. Other followed Him for the fish and the loaves,many still follow Jesus for the wants in their life ,not for the needs of their life,and still some came out of love for Him.But not all stuck with Him, it says many went back and walked with Him no more.Many have backslid, and have gone back into the life of sin, God has called them out of to walk with Him no more.But Peter ask "to whom shall we go?'Whom shall we go to in life, with our problems,our fears, and our sins.Who will speak on our behalf to the Father, no one but Jesus, for in Him is the words of eternal life.
We can go to Jesus,He and He alone is our ever present help in a time of trouble.God has given Him all power,He paid for our sins,He died and rose again that we don't have to fear death or him with power of death.He is our advocate before God and He is inviting all to come.When sick seek a doctor,when in need of legal advice, seek a lawyer,but when you need salvation seek the one and only savior,Jesus the Christ,the Son of the living God.
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