Want to see bold effective faith?Look at Stephen, standing to testify to his Lord's saving grace,not caring what he may gain or lose in doing so.Stephen,filled up and overflowing with God's grace and power,as he speaks not with self-righteous pride,but with great confidence in his God,and joy in the salvation he had received and having hope his countrymen would open their hearts and receive the good news.
Here we have Stephen,trusting God so completely that he forgets to think about himself,forgets to be afraid of rejection,and is not worried about whether or not his faith is accomplishing anything.He's just being faithful in his duty,leaving the results up to God.He's speaking boldly because his faith is more than just a creed,it is his whole life with God,and it fills every fiber of his being.That's the connection between faith and speaking out boldly.Faith that conveys God's grace and power doesn't think about itself and whether or not it's adequate to accomplish anything.No true faith is so fixed on God and who He is and how great he is that it cannot be persuaded to stop testifying about Him.Authentic faith will always be the outgrowth of a deep,genuine love for God,from whom we receive grace and power to testify about Him.Through our testimony, seeds of truth are planted in the hearts of those who hear and are seeking God.These seeds then convict the heart and convert the soul turning a sinner into a saint.
When we step out in trust,God gives us His grace and power to speak out about Him.As a result of His grace,concerns we might experience for ourselves fade from view.Being faithful to God now motivates us and pointing others to Him become our most pressing business.Boldness rises up in us,and the power of God's spirit moves in us to courageously speak of Christ and His gospel
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