Man is born into this world spiritually blind.He cannot see the things and ways of God.This passage is a subject of man's sinfulness.Here Jesus take a man's physical blindness and demonstrated the stages of spiritual insight and sight.(read John 9:8-41).It should be noted that spiritual insight has to do with seeing Jesus and Jesus alone.Jesus is the very theme of God's revalation.He alone is the perfect revelation of God,and a man's spiritual eyes can be opened to see God only through Him. Apart from Jesus, no man will ever see God.
Here Jesus was passing by,and he saw a man who was blind from birth.Now Jesus saw him which indicates interest,care ,concern, and compassion for the man.Jesus is concerned about all who are blinded by the gods of this world, to the love and mercy of God.Jesus came to seek and to save all that are lost in darkness.Note it was not the man who reached out for help ,but Jesus took the initiative with the man.The man was blind he didn't even know that help was available.There are many who walk blind today to the life of salvation which is avaiable in Christ Jesus.Jesus told us to tell a dying world the good news of the gospel that a lost world might be saved.How can they believe on Him who they haven't heard.If Jesus had not reached out to the man he would still be blind.If jesus hadn't called us out of darkness we would still be in darkness as we didn't choose Him , but he chose us.Jesus came to be the light of the world,if man wishes to be delievered from the darkness he must come to Christ.Christ is the only one who gives sight to man and His world.
Now Jesus tells the man what he must do to receive his sight,the man's faith needed to be aroused and stirred.Jesus used two things to awaken the man's faith.He touched the man eyes,he used clay made moist by spittle,but Jesus would not want the man to think that spittle cured him.Jesus sent the man to the pool to wash, the blind man by obeying Jesus would receive his sight.His obedience would demonstrate to the blind of the world that they too could receive sight by comming to Jesus and obeying Him.Our salvation lies in our coming to Jesus and obeying Him.
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