The word of God tells us to render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's and unto God that which is God's and we tend to rob God of that which is His.Now we render to Ceasar his do, you know we go to work we pay our bills,we provide for all of the earthy needs,which is good,but in doing so we tend to rob God of His due,stealing His glory and deprive Him of that which He has bought and paid for.
In this tight economy we sometimes feel we don't make enough or have enough to pay our tithes, or give an offering.Well when you don't have enough to pay your tithes that when you should pay your tithes. God can do more with your little bit than you can with a whole lot.Your tithes is just that which you owe Him, many rob Him with our We pay our tithes at the liquor store, shoe store,clothing store,and the mall while we give our offering at the casinos,to the bill collectors,and give God what ever is left.God don't need our money, the earth is the Lord and the fullness there of.We not only rob Him of our monatary offerings,but we don't even offer Him our whole life.He died for us yet we give Ceasar the life which truly belong God.All that we have comes from God yet many times we don't even say thank you to Him thus even stealing the glory that is due Him.
Let us give God the first and the best of our fruits.Give Him the first two hours and forty minutes of everyday and feel the glory of the Lord as He directs your paths and fills you with the joy of His salvation.Offer Him your total heart and watch Him work miracles in you and through you.Give Him the first tenth of your earnings and watch Him open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing you can't hold.Trust in God, don't rob Him out of fear from this world,after all He told us be of good cheer for He has overcome this world.You can't beat God giving,and I dare you to try......
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