"For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God"; "For there is none righteous no not one".We live in a world where everybody is looking out the window.We seem to find fault in everything and everybody,yet can't seem to notice the faults that lie within ourself.We are quick to tell someone "you can't judge me"and yet we are just as quick to pass judgement on others.The word of God tells us to remove the beam out of your own eye then remove the speck in your brothers eye.
Here in our text the writer tells God he is aware of his own transgressions,and how he sees his sin before him.See here is a person who is looking in the mirror and not out of the window.It is so easy to focus on the flaws of others, that we don't even realize that what we are doing is a flaw within us.We want to condem and dislike those who we think is going against Gods word.We say things like they are not a christian,we call them evil and say they are not saved.But ask yourself,do you always act Christ like?Are all your thought,actions and behaviors something which is always pleasing to God?Does that mean you are not saved, or you don't believe.Remember there are weak and lame sheep in every flock and yet they are all still His sheep.We forfiet the right to dislike and hate people when we professed to be a christian.Jesus died for all souls, even those we don't agree with.
The writer of our text knew that his salvation was based on his life and walk with God,and not the way others might walk.Let us spend more time in the mirror of life that we might become a better reflection of who Jesus is to a dying world.Yes we are to hate sin but we must love the sinner.Let us be less of a judge of each other, and more of our brothers keeper.Let us through prayer and supplication help bear the shortcomings and infirmities of the weak and lame sheep of our Lords flock.Let us love one another as Christ has loved us.Inspite of.
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