Matthew 10:7 " and as ye go, preach, saying The kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
Jesus tells us that He came " not for the righteous but to call the sinner to repentance". Yet most of the messages of today seem to be geared at everything but calling the sinner to repentance. Now true there is none righteous so here Jesus was probably speaking of the self righteous, but what happened to the message we are to proclaim. We have allowed personal agendas, political views and worldly concerns to dictate the message we proclaimed. No longer is it one to call the sinner to repent, but to call the saved to prosperity.
Salvation was so important to God that He didn't leave any part of it up to us. we didn't choose Him He chose us, He gave us His words to speak and His spirit to keep us, but we have changed the truth His message which is designed to convict hearts and convert soul into one of acceptance. Here in our text Jesus is about to send the disciples out on a missionary journey. He instructs them in every phrase of the journey including the message they were to proclaim. It was a message that would call sinner to repentance. Lost souls is what brought Jesus from heaven to earth, and lead Him from the earth to the cross, and it is this truth and this truth alone by which man can be saved.
Jesus said we are to leave the ninety and nine to seek after the one that is lost, but for the sake of the collection plates, congregation size and church popularity, we tend to lean more at pleasing the ninety and nine. remember God loves the sinner and He gave His life that the sinner could be saved, and we owe it to God as well as the sinner to at least let them know. Let the message you proclaim be one of salvation......
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