Saturday, December 28, 2013

Following or A Follower

John 6:66-67 "From that time many of His disciples went back, and walked no more with Him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will you also go away?

" No man having put his hand to the plough, and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God." As we embark upon a new year, the question arises, How many will walk with Christ no more.  How many of us are following behind Jesus just for the things we can get or are you a follower of Jesus The Christ?

Here in this chapter of John we have what can be called the revelation of Jesus Christ. Jesus reveals who he is,why he came and our work in this great plan of salvation. Since the fall of man ,it has always be about reconciling man back with God, from Noah's ark, to Joseph in egypt, to Moses leading the children of Israel from Egypt and even Samson's battles, were all about the salvation of  mankind. Here in the story we have a great multitude following Jesus, all following Jesus were not Follwers of Jesus. We have many today seeking Jesus for material and worldly possessions and not for the salvation of their souls. Jesus reveals to us our work in this great plan, he took the loaves blessed it then broke it and gave to the disciples, who then distributed it among the people, Jesus then instructed them to gather up the fragments that none be lost. See Jesus came that none be lost,he has given us the blessed word of God for us to take out and share with a dying world, that none be lost, we are to take up the fragments of broken lives, and lead them to Jesus. 
 Jesus must live on the inside of us, he is the living word by which we shall have everlating life. He is the abundant life promised us by Gods word. God never promised us the road would be easy.But a narrow uphill road is the road we chose to travel and it is never an easy road, especially when so many are on the downward road. But what he did promise is that he would never leave you nor forsake you, and more abundantly life.What can be a more abundant life, than a lived in the arms of our Savior.

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