Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Light That Hung On The Tree

John 12:12" Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

Until Jesus came to dwell among men, the entire world was in darkness. The concept of walking in darkness, symbolized the sin and ignorance of the lost. Even the most Godly of men relied upon the priest to offer annual sacrifices, first for himself and then for the sins of the people. The coming of Christ, the spotless lamb of God, has taken away our sins and our darkness. His purpose in coming as the "light" was to rescue all who believes in him from Satan's  " dominion of darkness" and to bring them "into the kingdom of the Son ", Gods kingdom of light and love.

Jesus the "true light" that gives light to every man; but this light is available only to those who believe in and follow Christ. True believers will never walk in darkness, That is they will not continually abide in sin and spiritual ignorance. They shall walk in the light, the Devine truth and holiness of God. The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. When you are born again, God opens your eyes to the spiritual realm, allowing you to see and understand things that you didn't know existed. They are hidden from the world, but revealed unto us. The holy spirit indwelling us reveals to us the path to life,(taking us from darkness into his marvelous light), the will of God ,and the revelation of the word of God.

Jesus the light of the world was hung on a old rugged cross, they meant it for bad but it worked out for the good to all who believes. They hung Him high that all who look up to Jesus shall be saved. So as we adorn our Christmas trees with the various lights remember the true light that was hung on a tree for the salvation of the world.

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