Saturday, July 5, 2014

Stay With Your Calling

1Corinthians 7:20 " Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called"

Jesus said "Ye are the light of the world"; If that be so let us not live like children of the darkness. We were called out of the darkness to be a light upon a hill that all in darkness might come to know the way. Jesus Christ is the way and we who profess to be His must walk in a manner that will lead lost souls to the salvation of the Lord.

There are many freedom in the life of a Christian. There are many liberties afforded us , but in all thing we must use self control, that we bring glory to the name and person of God. It not a matter if something is legal or illegal in the life of a child of God, it is about is it holy and will it bring glory to God and lead a lost soul to salvation. Our lives are to be a walking testimony to the power of God. Our bodies are the temple of the holy spirit and there is just some things, situations and positions, in which the temple of the holy spirit should be found in. everything about our life should bring God glory and bear truth to His story that He rose with all power.

Here Paul tells us that we were called to be ambassadors for Christ and we should abide or stay in the calling which we have been called to live in. No man can serve two masters, and we can't be saved and live unsaved lives. Somewhere something is lying, for he ask " is Christ divided".

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