Tuesday, July 15, 2014

To Love A Harlot

Hosea 3:1 " Then said the Lord unto me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of her friend, yet an adulteress, according to the Lord toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love flagons of wine."

Could you marry a Harlot? Would you love a harlot? Is it possible to love someone who is sworn to fun and loyal to none. Could you truly give the best of your all to one who would not appreciate what you are doing for them. Now we know the answer for many of us is no, other wise the divorce rate wouldn't be so high, yet that is what God has done. God loves the harlot.God's love is unconditional.
Here in our text God tells Hosea to go marry a harlot or a prostitute. See he wanted Hosea to feel what He feels when those who claim to be His go a whoring around with other gods. Many today claim to be part of the bride of Christ, yet we go along spiritually fornicating or committing spiritual adultery, with the enemy. With our lips we tell the Lord we love Him, yet many of our actions show a love for another, as our hearts are far from Him. In our story after Gomar was taken from a beautiful woman down to a as we say today a skank, God told Hosea to go and buy her back and love her in spite of. After sin has taken us from being in the image and likeness of God, down to something born in sin and shaped in iniquity, God sent His only begotten Son to redeem us back and He loved us in spite of.

Nobody forces us to profess Christianity, so it is the profession of our own faith. So if you profess to be Christ like, live Christ like and love like Christ loves. We must love even the worst of men, after all in Gods eyes at one time we were all the worst of men. And no matter who you are, when it comes to salvation we are all the same, lost in need of a savior, we were all harlots, yet God so loved us that he gave....To love a harlot is to love others the way Christ loves us...

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