Tuesday, September 16, 2014

As I Have Loved You

Luke 6:27-28 "But I say unto you which hear,Love your enemies,do good to them that hate you, Bless them that curse you,and pray for them which despitefully use you".

What would happen if  Christians actually lived what Jesus taught ? What if we truly love one another the way Jesus loved us. Jesus' teachings on love attacks the many misinterpretations of what we know to love to be. We tend to think love is something which comes and goes, or something you can fall into and out of. But the truth is love never changes, for God is love and He said He changes not. He Is the same yesterday, today and forever..

Jesus tells us to love our enemies, because we are not smart enough to now who our enemies are. Many who we call friends truly mean us no good and deep down are our enemies, and those we think are our enemy is in fact the ones with our best interest at heart. Think about how many times a so called friend lead you down the wrong road that a so called enemy tried to warn you about ,but you called them a hater. If we are to love others as Jesus loved us , we must love in spite of. Remember there was a time we were enemies of God , and yet while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, and prayed "forgive them Father for they know not what they do". Our love must be strong and show our trust in the Lord and his ability to use the situation for his Glory. We must also be merciful to others in our daily lives, as the Father daily pours out new mercy on us.
The standard of sacrificial love goes beyond what others might do or what we might feel we should do. It must be base solely on what Jesus teaches us to do. The prime example of selfless giving is our heavenly Father himself, who showed kindness to all humanity regardless of how they treated him, as he gave his only begotten son that we might have everlasting life. When we love others the way Jesus instructed us to, we show the world we are his, it is our birthmark seen by the world.

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