Tuesday, November 4, 2014

I Surrender All

Matthew 15:8 "This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me".

We Live in a very self-absorbed society we have to work to stay away from the self centeredness which surrounds us. We adapt through worship to Jesus. The word worship these days seems to have been limited to the couple of hours we spend in the church house on Sunday mornings. True worship  is done in spirit and in truth. That is in the spirit of God and the truth of how we live our lives daily. It is not a lip service it is a surrender of the heart. Does your worship end when you leave the church house or do you worship Him with your life?

 The word of God tells us to present your body a living sacrifice unto the Lord. We worship God with our life and praise Him with our living. In our text today Jesus says we draw near to him with our mouth and honor him with our lips, we talk a good game, but most times our life tells a different story. Have you ever wondered why you haven't drawn those in your house to the Lord ? Could it be because they see you outside the church house when you have taken off the church clothes. Many today talk about a relationship with Christ, we speak about how good he is, we quote all the biblical saying with our mouth, yet with our life we deny his person, his power, and his presence. With all that Christ has done for us, should He be happy with the few hours a week we spend in ritualistic exercise that we call worship.

Remember Mary worshipped the Lord, by covering him with expensive oil. Now it wasn't the fact that the oil was expensive that mattered. It was the fact that she worshipped him with all she had, she didn't hold anything back, she felt there was nothing to good for the Lord. Are you giving the Lord all and the best that you have, or are you keeping something for yourself? Are you worshipping Him with all your life or is it just Sunday morning lip service.

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