Friday, November 7, 2014

Not My Will

Luke 22:42 Saying , Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done

The heart is the seat of man's affections and will. The heart attaches and focuses our affection, will and devotion to an object or person. The heart causes a man to want, to give himself either to good or bad. To love Jesus means that a person focuses his heart, affections, and will upon God and by surrendering to the will of God.

To truly show our love to God we must give all we have, and are to Jesus Christ that He might do as he will with our life. He died that we might live so we must die that He might live in us and through us, that God's will be done in and with our lives. Our love must be strong and purposeful in accepting mistreatment, as we shows our trust in the Lord and his ability to use the situation for his Glory. Jesus not only taught us our love must be strong and purposeful when mistreated, but He teaches us to also be merciful to those who mistreat us that God might get the glory. This is how we let our lights so shine before man. Re.member the Father daily pours out new mercy on us daily in spite of how we treat Him, and we must love others as He loves us, that His will be done.

The will of the Father goes beyond what others might do or what we might feel we should, it is what Jesus teaches us to do, it is what he did. In the garden He said not my will but thy will be done. As we go through this life let us also remember, not my will but thy will be done.

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